最新一期Energy 2022-248内容
Energy能源应用方面的期刊(IF= 7.147),半月刊,每期发文100篇左右。下面我们看看最新一期248的内容:1. 填充剂和生物降解对城市有机垃圾
Energy能源应用方面的期刊(IF= 7.147),半月刊,每期发文100篇左右。下面我们看看最新一期248的内容:
1. 填充剂和生物降解对城市有机垃圾生物干产品热解的协同作用:产品分布和生物炭理化特性
2. 微电网运行依赖经济问题,考虑可再生能源、存储系统和需求侧管理,使用开发的灰狼优化算法
3. 水-CO2 处理引起的煤基质力学性能变化:微纳米级实验研究
4 换热流体特性和管道配置对能量桩极限承载力的影响
5. 反弹效果没用吗?电力行业技术进步案例研究
6. 超低挥发性碳基固体燃料与烟煤全氧混燃NOx生成及燃尽特性试验评价
7. 使用混沌特性分析、改进的PSO和KELM在线预测超短时光伏功率
8. 建筑物中最佳太阳能辅助地源热泵集成的能源目标方法
9. 中国制造业高排放子行业碳排放的因素分解与脱钩效应
10. 用于热交换器网络合成的扩展级式上层结构,中间放置多个公用设施
11. 具有阀点效应的动态经济调度双学习策略的自适应回溯搜索优化算法
12. 不同纳米颗粒及其不同配比作为工质的扩散吸收制冷系统的火用和热经济分析
13. 基于驾驶信息处理系统的燃料电池客车实时能源管理,最大限度减少燃料电池发动机老化和能耗
14. Ni10Cex/γ-Al2O3中Ce对利乐生物油水热液化过程中原位加氢脱氧的影响
15. 基于QFD的可再生能源项目创新成本和持续时间的综合犹豫二元毕达哥拉斯模糊分析
16. 各种能源如何影响工业投资?亚洲经济体的经验证据
17. 有机朗肯循环辅助余热回收的阿菲永沼气厂热力学优化与热经济评价
18. 能源安全对收入不平等的影响:经济发展的关键作用
19. N2、CO2和富氧条件下各类城市固体废物(MSW)热降解的热重和动力学研究
20. PJI系统航空煤油发动机试验研究
21. 水和二氧化碳如何影响微型燃气轮机燃烧的稳定性和排放? — 大涡模拟比较
22. 超长重力热管从干热岩取热:关键参数的影响
23. 使用资本支出方法的波浪方向相关 WEC/站点配置对变量之间的相互关系
24. 温度不均匀光伏组件热电损耗模型开发
25. 统计分析和机器学习聚类方法对印度风能-太阳能资源的时空同时性评估
26. SOFC-GT混合动力系统负荷跟随运行协调控制方法
27. 基于优化加速曲线的电动汽车驱动系统全局控制策略
28. 柴油机进气系统结冰现象预测的数值研究:进气中低速工况
29. 多次喷射稳定性对柴油喷嘴内流和近场喷雾动力学影响的实验研究
30. 最近基于异构综合学习方法的阿基米德优化算法识别不同燃料电池的最优参数
31. 重型柴油机压缩比和峰值点火压力优化热力学模型的应用
32. 到 2050 年德国住宅领域光伏电池系统的传播:多学科视角的技术传播
33. 提高混合可再生能源系统的互补性,利用水电调节能力满足负荷需求
34. 中国新能源汽车推广政策区域差异研究:基于销量预测的视角
35. 水分和原料形态对钢铁生产企业工业污泥热解行为、热解产气和残渣微观结构演变的影响
36. 改装中型发电机组发动机样机进气道燃油喷射甲醇柴油置换燃油喷射策略优化及实验性能及排放评价
37. 一种新开发的用于公交应用的混合动力气动总成配置分析
38. 利用液化天然气冷能的新型联合电力系统的高级火用和火用经济分析
39. 为区域脱碳做贡献:澳大利亚向亚太地区供应零碳商品的潜力
40. 可再生能源消费和经济增长:来自加纳的新证据
41. 废聚乙烯活性炭异位催化裂解优化采油
42. 基于两阶段 GIS-MCDM 的算法,在微观层面识别可能的区域以安装风电场:印度的案例研究
43. 超级电容器作为下一代储能器件:特性和应用
44. 原位加热处理长 73 中低成熟度页岩孔隙结构和渗透率变化
45. 供热系统低温运行以实现第四代区域供热:回顾
46. 用于风电区间预测的保形时间卷积分位数回归网络
47. 不同控制阀对再压缩超临界CO2布雷顿循环动态性能影响的综合评价
48. 区分具有短期热能储存的以热能消费者为基础的区域供热系统的经济最佳和最低分配温度
49. 社区智能能源系统开发:技术、政策与应用
50. 结合铁基费托合成和烯烃齐聚,利用废二氧化碳和绿色氢气高效生产可再生碳氢燃料
51. 一种新型低温冷凝系统结合燃气轮机低碳排放回收挥发性化合物
52. 基于迁移学习的快充锂离子电池自适应在线容量预测
53. 通过灵活的变电站集成实现数据中心功耗最小化的稳健运行
54. 数据驱动控制模型的电动汽车大规模充电场景
55. 一种基于替代模型的最佳方法来支持舒适和近乎零能耗的建筑设计
56. 超临界CO2-水暴露对页岩渗透率的化学-机械耦合效应
57. 与超临界 CO2 相互作用引起煤的矿物溶解和孔隙改造
58. 天然气消费与死亡率的关系:中介分析
59. 一种新型动态两级电池储能系统控制器,可最大限度降低需求
60. 太阳能季节性剩余能源利用系统的能源、火用和技术经济分析
61. 体积平均法模拟多尺度周期结构熔化的适用性
62. 使用混合模型的锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测
63. 一种基于响应面法的能源绩效合同参数优化方法:以中国某地铁为例
64. 方形磷酸铁锂电池热管理直通道冷板和斜通道冷板性能比较
65. 电动卡车水电,山区水电的灵活解决方案
66. 基于混合方法的海上风速短期预测:群分解和元极值学习机
67. 直通式本森型燃煤锅炉提高效率,同时减少 NOx 和 SOx 排放
68. 燃煤电厂应用洗煤汽爆全煤替代升级替代生物质燃烧特性
69. 翻新还是更换?伦敦翻新和新建住宅原型建筑的生命周期碳足迹和生命周期成本
70. 环境可持续性中的三难能源平衡、清洁能源转型和经济扩张研究:来自三难领导的新见解
71. 中国贵州省消费扶贫提升成效
72. 在能源共享和管理系统中协调具有分布式需求侧灵活性的商业产消者
73. 含钛高炉渣同时固存CO2矿物和金红石选矿:工艺描述与优化
74. 基于制动安全和高效回收的双电机驱动电动汽车能量回收策略优化
75. 深部注水后CO2注入微观剩余油起爆机理及地层损害
76. 汽油汪克尔转子发动机性能和排放预测的先进机器学习方法比较与评价
77. 基于突变理论的单轴应力下烟煤氧化的突变特征
78. 严重金属短缺对我国电动汽车产业发展的影响及对策政策
79. 低温吸热燃料预冷涡喷发动机性能分析
80. 屠宰场粪便的能量含量、堆积密度和汽化潜热特性
81. 先进绝热压缩空气储能多模式优化运行:以冷凝器运行探索其价值
82. Darrieus垂直轴风轮机减少分流的综合三维研究
83. 动量通量法在双组份固体废弃物α型火焰焚烧炉设计中的应用
84. 转向低温区域供热时的管网改造论证
85. 电力市场单机容量充足保障机制设计及影响研究
86. 多角度分析CO2减排路径与策略的两阶段因子投入产出模型——以福建省为例
87. 处理水分含量和反应器进料速率变化的最佳控制
88. 生物质反应堆运行中的启动、关闭和过渡时间尺度分析
89. 后喷射参数对连续再生捕集器性能的影响,以减轻 CI 发动机的温室气体和颗粒物排放
90. 建筑围护结构透光混凝土板的制作及节能
91. 基于气固两相流特性的新型下燃燃烧技术大范围燃煤性能评价
92. 新鲜微藻脉冲微波预处理增强脂质提取
93. 一种基于在线交通路线信息和未来路况预测的剩余续驶里程估计的车云协同策略
94. 一种利用氧化铝提取废物提高 CO2 吸附能力的固体胺吸附剂的新制备方法
95. 带有详细板式换热器设计的换热器网络改造的高级网格图
96. 计量政府对电动汽车补贴的股权影响
Deep Energy Research新能源智能科技关注新能源领域的智能科技应用,我们是知识的搬运工,为新能源智能应用提供服务,转载请联系。
1. Synergistic effect of bulking agents and biodegradation on the pyrolysis of biodried products derived from municipal organic wastes: Product distribution and biochar physicochemical characteristics
2. Microgrid operation relying on economic problems considering renewable sources, storage system, and demand-side management using developed gray wolf optimization algorithm
3. Mechanical property alterations across coal matrix due to water-CO2 treatments: A micro-to-nano scale experimental study
4. Effects of heat exchange fluid characteristics and pipe configuration on the ultimate bearing capacity of energy piles
5. Is the rebound effect useless? A case study on the technological progress of the power industry
6. Experimental evaluation on NOx formation and burnout characteristics of oxy-fuel co-combustion of ultra-low volatile carbon-based solid fuels and bituminous coal
7. Online prediction of ultra-short-term photovoltaic power using chaotic characteristic analysis, improved PSO and KELM
8. Energy targeting approach for optimum solar assisted ground source heat pump integration in buildings
9. Factor decomposition and the decoupling effect of carbon emissions in China's manufacturing high-emission subsectors
10. An extended stage-wise superstructure for heat exchanger network synthesis with intermediate placement of multiple utilities
11. Adaptive backtracking search optimization algorithm with a dual-learning strategy for dynamic economic dispatch with valve-point effects
12. Exergy and thermoeconomic analyses of the diffusion absorption refrigeration system with various nanoparticles and their different ratios as work fluid
13. Driving information process system-based real-time energy management for the fuel cell bus to minimize fuel cell engine aging and energy consumption
14. Effect of Ce in Ni10Cex/γ-Al2O3 for the in situ hydrodeoxidation of Tetra Pak bio-oil during hydrothermal liquefaction
15. An integrated hesitant 2-tuple Pythagorean fuzzy analysis of QFD-based innovation cost and duration for renewable energy projects
16. How various energy sources affect industrial investment? Empirical evidence from Asian economies
17. Thermodynamic Optimization and Thermoeconomic Evaluation of Afyon Biogas Plant assisted by organic Rankine Cycle for waste heat recovery
18. The impact of energy security on income inequality: The key role of economic development
19. Thermogravimetric and kinetic study of thermal degradation of various types of municipal solid waste (MSW) under N2, CO2 and oxy-fuel conditions
20. Experimental study of aviation kerosene engine with PJI system
21. How do water and CO2 impact the stability and emissions of the combustion in a micro gas turbine? — A Large Eddy Simulations comparison
22. Heat extraction from hot dry rock by super-long gravity heat pipe: Effect of key parameters
23. Interrelationship between variables for wave direction-dependent WEC/site-configuration pairs using the CapEx method
24. Development of thermo–electrical loss model for photovoltaic module with inhomogeneous temperature
25. Temporal and spatial simultaneity assessment of wind-solar energy resources in India by statistical analysis and machine learning clustering approach
26. Coordinated control approach for load following operation of SOFC-GT hybrid system
27. A drive system global control strategy for electric vehicle based on optimized acceleration curve
28. Numerical study on prediction of icing phenomena in intake system of diesel engine: Operating conditions with low-to-middle velocity of inlet air
29. Experimental study into the effects of stability between multiple injections on the internal flow and near field spray dynamics of a diesel nozzle
30. Recent approach based heterogeneous comprehensive learning Archimedes optimization algorithm for identifying the optimal parameters of different fuel cells
31. Use of thermodynamic models for compression ratio and peak firing pressure optimization in heavy-duty diesel engine
32. Dissemination of PV-Battery systems in the German residential sector up to 2050: Technological diffusion from multidisciplinary perspectives
33. Improving complementarity of a hybrid renewable energy system to meet load demand by using hydropower regulation ability
34. Research on regional differences of China's new energy vehicles promotion policies: A perspective of sales volume forecasting
35. Influence of moisture and feedstock form on the pyrolysis behaviors, pyrolytic gas production, and residues micro-structure evolutions of an industrial sludge from a steel production enterprise
36. Fuel injection strategy optimisation and experimental performance and emissions evaluation of diesel displacement by port fuel injected methanol in a retrofitted mid-size genset engine prototype
37. Analysis of a newly developed hybrid pneumatic powertrain configuration for transit bus applications
38. Advanced exergy and exergo-economic analyses of a novel combined power system using the cold energy of liquefied natural gas
39. Contributing to regional decarbonization: Australia's potential to supply zero-carbon commodities to the Asia-Pacific
40. Renewable energy consumption and economic growth: New evidence from Ghana
41. Optimization of oil production through ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis of waste polyethylene with activated carbon
42. Two-stage GIS-MCDM based algorithm to identify plausible regions at micro level to install wind farms: A case study of India
43. Supercapacitors as next generation energy storage devices: Properties and applications
44. Changes of pore structures and permeability of the Chang 73 medium-to-low maturity shale during in-situ heating treatment
45. Low-temperature operation of heating systems to enable 4th generation district heating: A review
46. Conformalized temporal convolutional quantile regression networks for wind power interval forecasting
47. A comprehensive evaluation of the effect of different control valves on the dynamic performance of a recompression supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle
48. Distinguish between the economic optimal and lowest distribution temperatures for heat-prosumer-based district heating systems with short-term thermal energy storage
49. Development of smart energy systems for communities: technologies, policies and applications
50. Efficient production of renewable hydrocarbon fuels using waste CO2 and green H2 by integrating Fe-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and olefin oligomerization
51. A novel cryogenic condensation system combined with gas turbine with low carbon emission for volatile compounds recovery
52. Adaptive online capacity prediction based on transfer learning for fast charging lithium-ion batteries
53. Robust operation for minimizing power consumption of data centers with flexible substation integration
54. Large-scale scenarios of electric vehicle charging with a data-driven model of control
55. An optimal surrogate-model-based approach to support comfortable and nearly zero energy buildings design
56. Chemical-mechanical coupling effects on the permeability of shale subjected to supercritical CO2-water exposure
57. Mineral dissolution and pore alteration of coal induced by interactions with supercritical CO2
58. The natural gas consumption and mortality nexus: A mediation analysis
59. A novel dynamic two-stage controller of battery energy storage system for maximum demand reductions
60. The energy, exergy, and techno-economic analysis of a solar seasonal residual energy utilization system
61. The applicability of volume-averaging method to simulate melting in a multi-scaled periodic structure
62. Remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion batteries using a hybrid model
63. An energy performance contracting parameter optimization method based on the response surface method: A case study of a metro in China
64. Performance comparison between straight channel cold plate and inclined channel cold plate for thermal management of a prismatic LiFePO4 battery
65. Electric Truck Hydropower, a flexible solution to hydropower in mountainous regions
66. Offshore wind speed short-term forecasting based on a hybrid method: Swarm decomposition and meta-extreme learning machine
67. Simultaneous reduction of NOx emission and SOx emission aided by improved efficiency of a Once-Through Benson Type Coal Boiler
68. Combustion properties of upgraded alternative biomasses by washing and steam explosion for complete coal replacement in coal-designed power plant applications
69. Refurbish or replace? The Life Cycle Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Cost of Refurbished and New Residential Archetype Buildings in London
70. A study of trilemma energy balance, clean energy transitions, and economic expansion in the midst of environmental sustainability: New insights from three trilemma leadership
71. The efficiency of consumption poverty alleviation and improvement measures in Guizhou, China
72. Coordination of commercial prosumers with distributed demand-side flexibility in energy sharing and management system
73. Simultaneous CO2 mineral sequestration and rutile beneficiation by using titanium-bearing blast furnace slag: Process description and optimization
74. Energy recovery strategy optimization of dual-motor drive electric vehicle based on braking safety and efficient recovery
75. Microscopic remaining oil initiation mechanism and formation damage of CO2 injection after waterflooding in deep reservoirs
76. Comparison and evaluation of advanced machine learning methods for performance and emissions prediction of a gasoline Wankel rotary engine
77. The cataclysmic characteristics for bituminous-coal oxidation under uniaxial stress based on catastrophe theory
78. The impacts of critical metal shortage on China's electric vehicle industry development and countermeasure policies
79. Performance analysis of precooled turbojet engine with a low-temperature endothermic fuel
80. Energy content, bulk density, and the latent heat of vaporisation characteristics of abattoir paunch waste
81. Multi-mode optimal operation of advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage: Explore its value with condenser operation
82. A comprehensive three-dimensional study on Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine with slotted blade to reduce flow separation
83. Application of momentum flux method for the design of an α-shaped flame incinerator fueled with two-component solid waste
84. Justifying network reconstruction when switching to low temperature district heating
85. Research on the design and influence of unit generation capacity adequacy guarantee mechanism in the power market
86. A two-phase factorial input-output model for analyzing CO2-emission reduction pathway and strategy from multiple perspectives – A case study of Fujian province
87. Optimal control to handle variations in moisture content and reactor in-feed rate
88. Start-up, shutdown, and transition timescale analysis in biomass reactor operations
89. Influence of post-injection parameters on the performance of continuous regeneration trap to mitigate greenhouse gas and particulate emissions from CI engine
90. Fabrication and energy efficiency of translucent concrete panel for building envelope
91. Evaluation of wide-range coal combustion performance of a novel down-fired combustion technology based on gas–solid two-phase flow characteristics
92. Pulsed microwave pretreatment of fresh microalgae for enhanced lipid extraction
93. A vehicle-cloud collaboration strategy for remaining driving range estimation based on online traffic route information and future operation condition prediction
94. A novel preparation of solid amine sorbents for enhancing CO2 adsorption capacity using alumina-extracted waste
95. An advanced Grid Diagram for heat exchanger network retrofit with detailed plate heat exchanger design
96. Measuring the equity impacts of government subsidies for electric vehicles