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最新一期Energy 2022-243 内容

Energy能源应用方面的期刊(IF= 7.147),半月刊,每期发文100篇左右。下面我们看看最新一期243的内容:1. 用于建筑设计的建筑蓄热性能的负

Energy能源应用方面的期刊(IF= 7.147),半月刊,每期发文100篇左右。下面我们看看最新一期243的内容:

1. 用于建筑设计的建筑蓄热性能的负荷转移潜力评估

2. 天然气水合物开采技术经济潜力初步评价

3. 优化设计后缘锯齿的风力涡轮机性能模拟

4. 气候条件对热泵系统性能影响的实验分析

5. 技术木质素化学火用的准确预测,用于基于火用的可持续利用过程评估

6. 金属有机框架衍生的 MoO2/N 掺杂碳棒上的 MoTe2 用于增强钠离子存储性能

7. 英国第一个第 5 代热网的性能分析——LSBU 的 BEN 案例研究

8. 卡塔尔新型独立可再生能源电动汽车充电站的技术经济优化

9. 水光混合发电系统运行规则函数形式识别

10. 使用基于模型的控制减少木屑颗粒小型锅炉的 CO 排放

11. 引入电动汽车?网络效应对利润和社会福利的影响

12. 计划外停机风险下考虑联合稳定性的多厂直热一体化

13. 一种基于GA的NZEB-cluster规划设计优化方法,用于缓解电网过压风险

14. 制粉和煤矸石制成的高强度燃料芯块

15. 余热驱动的热泵-热合-ORC节能分离乙二醇混合物的研究

16. 风光矿抽水蓄能电站优化调度——以宁夏岭新煤矿为例

17. 高灰分生物质塑料下吸式共气化

18. 电子器件热电自冷系统设计:实验研究与模型验证

19. 塘口烟煤动力学模型及参数优化双高斯函数和混洗复演化

20. 具有储能和15分钟电力平衡的建筑可再生能源优化

21. 耦合翅片-金属泡沫金属氢化物床的参数优化,以提高金属氢化物储氢装置的吸氢性能

22. 住宅领域节能减排的效率提升与技术选择

23. 新灰色多元预测模型在中国7个地区能源消耗预测中的应用

24. 用于制氢的薄电解质固体氧化物电池的评估

25. 基于裂缝相互作用的水力裂缝网络形成机制

26. 提高热可靠性的串级热电发电系统设计

27. 一种混合级联结构的锂离子电池早期剩余寿命预测方法

28. 无线充电路段混合车队换道行为协同驾驶控制

29. 锂离子电池内部短路增量容量法在线定量诊断

30. 大型催化甲醇制烯烃流化床反应器反应气固流体动力学CFD研究

31. 一种用于区间碳价预测的区间分解集合模型

32. 一种基于OCV曲线局部重构的磷酸铁锂电池组容量和初始放电电量估算方法

33. 不同喷油策略下高负荷柴油机注水(WI)潜力研究

34. 激光退镀能耗与范围二碳排放的桑基图

35. 新型热导增强容器,用于集成相变材料的太阳能光伏系统性能增强

36. 石油期货的长期记忆和波动溢出

37. 酸性气体还原超净凝气炉

38. 基于分布式活化能模型的纤维素、木聚糖和木质素添加钾和钙的热解动力学研究

39. 中国通过提高经济发展质量可在2050年前实现碳中和

40. 一种无需开路电压实验的电动汽车锂离子电池荷电状态估计新方法

41. 低环境温度下柴油喷雾燃烧点火延迟随喷射压力的非单调变化

42. 径向空气分级对工业煤粉锅炉气粒流动特性的影响

43. 基于图论的考虑电动汽车集成的能源枢纽优化配置方法

44. NiMoP相对麻风树油加氢脱氧途径的影响

45. 探索利用半参数计量经济学方法降低重工业碳强度的有效途径

46. 机舱激光雷达应用距离分析风力机尾流效应的实验研究

47. 在炎热和干燥的气候中建立玻璃改造策略:在冷却、昼夜照明、显色和投资回报时间框架方面的成本节约

48. 能源贫困对儿童发展的中介作用:来自能源贫困国家的经验证据

49. 高压天然气柴油共直喷发动机两相燃油瞬态喷射特性试验研究

50. 基于非线性模型的并网综合能源系统动态优化调度

51. 煤尘颗粒表面温度分布测量

52. 船用发动机有机朗肯循环底部共沸工质选择

53. 基于单级吸收-再吸收循环的无保温长距离热输系统性能分析

54. 能源效率低碳能源的来源?来自 16 个高收入经合组织经济体的证据

55. 考虑可再生能源系统长期可靠性的充足收益估算

56. 冷热联合网络如何从热能储存中受益?最小化不同场景的生命周期成本

57. 绝热火焰温度对燃气轮机燃烧室火焰特性的影响

58. 基于集成深度学习的用电量预测并应用于阿尔及利亚市场

59. 超快充电下电池组板载热管理系统的边界条件

60. 烟煤与工业污泥在下吸式固定床气化炉中与显热回收耦合的共气化模拟及在污泥发电中的潜在应用

61. 具有风不确定性的综合电力和天然气系统经济调度的数据增强分布式鲁棒优化方法

62. 一种基于负荷预测和能源灵活性的空调系统能耗优化方法

63. 各种活塞支柱航空发动机在能量、火用、不可逆性、航空、可持续性和环境观点方面的着陆和起飞(LTO)飞行阶段性能

64. 能源工业废料改性粉煤灰作为二氧化碳还原成甲烷的催化剂

65. 预混直喷柴油机不同负荷范围内的相邻燃烧放热和排放:汽油和乙醇端口喷射的比较

66. 使用两个新型集成系统将燃气轮机入口处的空气冷却至 ISO 条件

67. 两种新型质子交换膜燃料电池与有机闪蒸循环低温地热回收热电联产系统性能评估与优化

68. 汇款如何影响巴基斯坦的环境可持续性?来自 NARDL 方法的证据

69. 基于神经网络的 ECMS,用于优化插电式混合动力汽车的能量管理

70. 基于定向节点势法的网状供热管网流量计算

71. 中国政府支出CO2排放解耦分解分析

72. 巴西东北部地区风速长程相关性

73. 臭氧添加对层流预混火焰发展和甲烷和丙烷共流配置排放影响的数值研究

74. 棕榈油厂利用污泥棕榈油联合生产酶促生物柴油以改善农村地区可再生能源获取的技术经济分析

75. 双燃料柴油机高氢参与天然气富集研究

76. 无监督学习和监督学习在页岩气藏绝对开放流动潜力预测中的混合应用

77. 依赖于粒度特征和水分的刀磨山毛榉片比能量需求的实验识别和建模

78. 电沉积氧化锰基氧化还原介体驱动的 2.2 V 高能量密度水性超级电容器

79. 基于驾驶模式识别的电池/超级电容混合动力城市客车能量管理策略

80. 循环轴流泵能量损失及振动性能定量分析

81. 振荡水柱卧式浮筒混合波能转换器综合研究

82. 通风太阳能-地热干燥对番茄酱3E(火用、能量和经济分析)和质量属性的影响

83. 探索组织支持的作用,以及巴基斯坦可再生能源项目的关键成功因素

84. 催化热解对森林废弃生物质的增值

85. 利用并网光伏板抵消住宅地源热泵用电量

86. 通过主动多变量聚变驱动平衡提高电池储能的能量利用率

87. 两相脉动流在柴油机余热回收有机朗肯循环系统中的应用

88. 基于自适应元模型的智能电致变色窗教室设计多目标优化方法

89. 执行时间短、通用性强的有限差分模型实现自适应建筑围护结构的双层优化

90. 城市固体废物细筛分的燃烧性能:热动力学研究和深度学习建模通过 TG-FTIR

91. 随温度变化的热特性和侧腿散热对热电发电机性能的影响

92. 区域供冷蒸汽压缩-吸收混合制冷系统的热经济和环境评估

93. 在线电池保护车辆并网行为管理

94. 商用固液电解质锂离子电池在各种条件下的电化学阻抗特性:部分。 2. 建模与预测

Deep Energy Research新能源智能科技关注新能源领域的智能科技应用,我们是知识的搬运工,为新能源智能应用提供服务,转载请联系。


1. Load shifting potential assessment of building thermal storage performance for building design

2. Preliminary evaluation of the economic potential of the technologies for gas hydrate exploitation

3. Performance simulation of wind turbine with optimal designed trailing-edge serrations

4. Experimental analysis of the effects of climate conditions on heat pump system performance

5. Accurate prediction of chemical exergy of technical lignins for exergy-based assessment on sustainable utilization processes

6. MoTe2 on metal-organic framework derived MoO2/N-doped carbon rods for enhanced sodium-ion storage properties

7. Performance analysis for the UK's first 5th generation heat network – The BEN case study at LSBU

8. Techno-economic optimization of novel stand-alone renewables-based electric vehicle charging stations in Qatar

9. Identifying the functional form of operating rules for hydro–photovoltaic hybrid power systems

10. Reduction of the CO emission from wood pellet small-scale boiler using model-based control

11. Introducing electric vehicles? Impact of network effect on profits and social welfare

12. Multi-plant direct heat integration considering coalition stability under unplanned shutdown risks

13. A GA-based NZEB-cluster planning and design optimization method for mitigating grid overvoltage risk

14. High-strength fuel pellets made of flour milling and coal slack wastes

15. Study on an energy-saving process for separation ethylene elycol mixture through heat-pump, heat-integration and ORC driven by waste-heat

16. Optimal dispatching of wind-PV-mine pumped storage power station: A case study in Lingxin Coal Mine in Ningxia Province, China

17. Downdraft co-gasification of high ash biomass and plastics

18. Designing thermoelectric self-cooling system for electronic devices: Experimental investigation and model validation

19. Kinetic model and parameters optimization for Tangkou bituminous coal by the bi-Gaussian function and Shuffled Complex Evolution

20. Optimization of renewable energy for buildings with energy storages and 15-minute power balance

21. Parametric optimization of coupled fin-metal foam metal hydride bed towards enhanced hydrogen absorption performance of metal hydride hydrogen storage device

22. Efficiency improvement and technology choice for energy and emission reductions of the residential sector

23. Application of a new grey multivariate forecasting model in the forecasting of energy consumption in 7 regions of China

24. Assessment of a thin-electrolyte solid oxide cell for hydrogen production

25. Formation mechanisms of hydraulic fracture network based on fracture interaction

26. Design of cascade thermoelectric generation systems with improved thermal reliability

27. A hybrid method with cascaded structure for early-stage remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion battery

28. Cooperative-driving control for mixed fleets at wireless charging sections for lane changing behavior

29. Online quantitative diagnosis of internal short circuit for lithium-ion batteries using incremental capacity method

30. CFD study of the reactive gas-solid hydrodynamics in a large-scale catalytic methanol-to-olefin fluidized bed reactor

31. A novel interval decomposition ensemble model for interval carbon price forecasting

32. A novel capacity and initial discharge electric quantity estimation method for LiFePO4 battery pack based on OCV curve partial reconstruction

33. Exploring the potential of water injection (WI) in a high-load diesel engine under different fuel injection strategies

34. Sankey diagrams for energy consumption and scope 2 carbon emissions in laser de-coating

35. Novel thermal conductivity enhancing containers for performance enhancement of solar photovoltaics system integrated with phase change material

36. Long-memory and volatility spillovers across petroleum futures

37. Ultra-clean condensing gas furnace enabled with acidic gas reduction

38. Insight into the pyrolysis kinetics of cellulose, xylan and lignin with the addition of potassium and calcium based on distributed activation energy model

39. China can reach carbon neutrality before 2050 by improving economic development quality

40. A novel estimation of state of charge for the lithium-ion battery in electric vehicle without open circuit voltage experiment

41. Non-monotonic change of ignition delay with injection pressure under low ambient temperature for the diesel spray combustion

42. Impact of radial air staging on gas-particle flow characteristics in an industrial pulverized coal boiler

43. A graph theory-based optimal configuration method of energy hub considering the integration of electric vehicles

44. Influence of NiMoP phase on hydrodeoxygenation pathways of jatropha oil

45. Exploring the effective way of reducing carbon intensity in the heavy industry using a semiparametric econometric approach

46. Experimental study on application of nacelle-mounted LiDAR for analyzing wind turbine wake effects by distance

47. Building glass retrofitting strategies in hot and dry climates: Cost savings on cooling, diurnal lighting, color rendering, and payback timeframes

48. The mediating effect of energy poverty on child development: Empirical evidence from energy poor countries

49. Experimental study on the two-phase fuel transient injection characteristics of the high-pressure natural gas and diesel co-direct injection engine

50. A nonlinear model-based dynamic optimal scheduling of a grid-connected integrated energy system

51. Measurements of surface temperature distributions on coal dust particles

52. Zeotropic working fluid selection for an organic Rankine cycle bottoming with a marine engine

53. Performance analysis of no-insulation long distance thermal transportation system based on single-stage absorption-resorption cycle

54. Energy efficiency a source of low carbon energy sources? Evidence from 16 high-income OECD economies

55. Estimating the adequacy revenue considering long-term reliability in a renewable power system

56. How can combined heating and cooling networks benefit from thermal energy storage? Minimizing lifetime cost for different scenarios

57. Effects of adiabatic flame temperature on flames’ characteristics in a gas-turbine combustor

58. Electricity consumption forecasting based on ensemble deep learning with application to the Algerian market

59. Boundary conditions for Onboard thermal-management system of a battery pack under ultrafast charging

60. Simulation on co-gasification of bituminous coal and industrial sludge in a downdraft fixed bed gasifier coupling with sensible heat recovery, and potential application in sludge-to-energy

61. A data-enhanced distributionally robust optimization method for economic dispatch of integrated electricity and natural gas systems with wind uncertainty

62. A method for energy consumption optimization of air conditioning systems based on load prediction and energy flexibility

63. Landing and take-off (LTO) flight phase performances of various piston-prop aviation engines in terms of energy, exergy, irreversibility, aviation, sustainability and environmental viewpoints

64. Modified fly ash, a waste material from the energy industry, as a catalyst for the CO2 reduction to methane

65. Adjacent combustion heat release and emissions over various load ranges in a premixed direct injection diesel engine: A comparison between gasoline and ethanol port injection

66. Using two novel integrated systems to cool the air toward the ISO condition at the gas turbine inlet

67. Performance assessment and optimization of two novel cogeneration systems integrating proton exchange membrane fuel cell with organic flash cycle for low temperature geothermal heat recovery

68. How do remittances affect environmental sustainability in Pakistan? Evidence from NARDL approach

69. A neural network-based ECMS for optimized energy management of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

70. Network flow calculation based on the directional nodal potential method for meshed heating networks

71. Decoupling and decomposition analysis of CO2 emissions from government spending in China

72. Long-range correlations of the wind speed in a northeast region of Brazil

73. Numerical study on the effects of ozone addition on the development of laminar premixed flames and emissions for methane and propane in a co-flow configuration

74. Techno-economic analysis of enzymatic biodiesel co-produced in palm oil mills from sludge palm oil for improving renewable energy access in rural areas

75. Investigation of natural gas enrichment with high hydrogen participation in dual fuel diesel engine

76. Hybrid application of unsupervised and supervised learning in forecasting absolute open flow potential for shale gas reservoirs

77. Experimental identification and modelling of specific energy requirement for knife milled beech chips in dependence on particle size characteristics and moisture

78. Electrodeposited Manganese Oxide based Redox Mediator Driven 2.2 V High Energy Density Aqueous Supercapacitor

79. Energy management strategy for battery/supercapacitor hybrid electric city bus based on driving pattern recognition

80. Quantitative analysis of energy loss and vibration performance in a circulating axial pump

81. A comprehensive investigation of a hybrid wave energy converter including oscillating water column and horizontal floating cylinder

82. Effect of ventilated solar-geothermal drying on 3E (exergy, energy, and economic analysis), and quality attributes of tomato paste

83. Exploring the role of organizational support, and critical success factors on renewable energy projects of Pakistan

84. Valorization of forest waste biomass by catalyzed pyrolysis

85. Utilization of on-grid photovoltaic panels to offset electricity consumption of a residential ground source heat pump

86. Increasing energy utilization of battery energy storage via active multivariable fusion-driven balancing

87. Application of two-phase pulsating flow in organic Rankine cycle system for diesel engine waste heat recovery

88. A multi-objective optimization method based on an adaptive meta-model for classroom design with smart electrochromic windows

89. Realization of bi-level optimization of adaptive building envelope with a finite-difference model featuring short execution time and versatility

90. Combustion performance of fine screenings from municipal solid waste: Thermo-kinetic investigation and deep learning modeling via TG-FTIR

91. Effects of temperature-dependent thermal properties and the side leg heat dissipation on the performance of the thermoelectric generator

92. Thermo-economic and environmental assessment of hybrid vapor compression-absorption refrigeration systems for district cooling

93. Online battery-protective vehicle to grid behavior management

94. Electrochemical impedance characteristics at various conditions for commercial solid–liquid electrolyte lithium-ion batteries: Part. 2. Modeling and prediction









