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研究生 — Interactive Media & Games Division1.电影艺术个人陈述The Cinematic Arts personal statement is an opportunity to

研究生 — Interactive Media & Games Division


The Cinematic Arts personal statement is an opportunity to express your ideas about and interest in Interactive Entertainment, help us to understand your background and creative potential, and explain why you would like to study interactive media production at the School of Cinematic Arts. This statement will be read by the Interac­tive Admission Committee as a measure of creativity, self-aware­ ness and vision. Your statement should give the committee a sense of your long-term goals and artistic ambitions. It should answer the questions: "Who are you as a person? What are you trying to say, using interactive media? Why do you want to attend the Interactive media Program? What are your career/professional/artistic.

2.Writing Sample

Please submit one of the two writing samples: either the character profile or emotional moment essay. Only ONE is re­quired. (please upload in PDF format under the "Forms" section)

category l (Character Profile): Write a one-page story about a character or person you find interesting or unique. For example, tell us a story about a person who was not what they first seemed to be, a person who had to make a difficult decision, or a person who made a difference in the world at great cost to themselves. This can be a character you devise or a real world person; it can be someone you know, or someone you don't. Communicate through your story why this person is so interesting to you.

Category II (Emotional Moment Essay): Describe an emotionally charged experience you have had. For example, a moment in which you came to understand the value of something differently than you had in the past, or a moment that changed your way of think­ing or seeing your family, community or the world. This experience should be told as a story, with a beginning, middle and end, but please limit your description to two double-spaced, typed pages.

Writing Sample III :Describe an experience that has inspired you to enter the field of interactive media. This might be the experience of playing a particular game, visiting a museum installation, seeing an interactive artwork, etc. Or, it might be a story about how you created an interactive experience for others to participate in or play with. Tell us the story of how and why this experience affected you, how it changed your way of thinking about interactive media, and what it means for your plans for the future. ;


The creative work sample represents your best or most relevant work. Choose a major piece of work that you are extremely proud of for your creative sample. If you have completed a game or ani­mation project, you should strongly consider including this. Other­ wise this work might be digital or analog, it or may be a film, photo essay, script or story. For visual art, you may submit a small selec­tion of pieces. Make sure your piece is easily viewable by the admis­sions committee. If you are uncertain that your software will run, in- dude screenshots and a video play-through just in case.

You should keep in mind that the committee has limited time to look at each applicant's file, so send a creative sample that can be viewed, played or read in less than 10 minutes. Please limit the length of a written creative sample, e.g. movie scripts and prose should be no more than 20 pages. We are looking for individuals who show both proven talent and persona! initiative. Use the crea­tive sample to show us your best work and the portfolio to show us the breadth of your creative endeavors. Please note, your creative work sample will not be returned to you.

We require you to post your creative work sample online. For physi­cal games and creative pieces, you can submit a PDF of the rules or text, along with video, photographs and other documentation. An online link will allow you to showcase several of your works, giving the committee a better sense of your skills and talent


The creative portfolio list is a written record of the appli­cant's creative materials. It should include a concise descrip­tion of each project, the month and year the project was completed, the applicant's creative role and the purpose of the project. The material, which does not need to be film or television-related, should give an idea of the range and depth of the applicant's creative ability. Formal recognition - such as awards, publications, jobs and exhibitions - should be noted. The name of the institution or publication should be included when listing creative materials prepared for a class or publication. An example of the portfolio list is be­ low: July 2008, A Day in the Life, digital video, 12 minutes. Position: writer/director. A documentary on a homeless Iraq vet who has lived on the streets since his return from the military. Created for senior-year multimedia term project, San Raphael High School, Mi­ami, Florida. March 2008, Doorways, a series of 5 black-and-white photographs. Position: photographer. "Second Prize Winner*' in the Des Moines Sunday Journal photo contest. February 2007, Cellomorphosis, short story. Position: writer. A vari­ation on the novella by Franz Kafka; published in Writing, vol. IV, 2007, at Amherst College, Amherst, i :--ssachusett£.







文学士 - 屏幕和电视写作



Write a creative essay or short story that evokes an understanding of how you became who you are. This should reflect your individuality. It’s not a resume. (1-2 pages in length)


Write a scene between two very different kinds of people who get stuck in an elevator on New Year's Eve. 2-5 pages. Please use screenplay format. Write a scene between two people (e.g., a parent and child, room­ mates, spouses, etc.) who live together. The first character strongly desires to go out; the second desperately wants the first to stay home. Emphasize visual elements as well as dialogue. 2-5 pages. Please use screenplay format.


Convey in writing the greatest challenge you have faced and how you responded to it. The challenge may be of any kind you care to write about -physical, emotional, moral creative, personal, professional or some other sort, (1-2 pages in length)

4.Writing Sample(最多10页)

One sample of your creative writing. This may be an excerpt with a note explaining the context. Writing in script form is not required. Please only include original material-do not submit a television spec episode of an existing television show. Maximum of 10 pages. If you send more than 10, only the first 10 will be read





9 ..官方高中成绩单

10 ..官方SAT或ACT考试成绩



截止日期:12/1 转学:2/1

研究生— Writing for Screen & Television


Write a creative essay or short story that evokes an understanding of how you became who you are. This should reflect your individuality. It’s not a resume. (1-2 pages in length)


Write a scene between two very different kinds of people who get stuck in an elevator on New Year's Eve. 2-5 pages. Please use screenplay format. Write a scene between two people (e.g., a parent and child, room­ mates, spouses, etc.) who live together. The first character strongly desires to go out; the second desperately wants the first to stay home. Emphasize visual elements as well as dialogue. 2-5 pages. Please use screenplay format. ,


Convey in writing the greatest challenge you have faced and how you responded to it. The challenge may be of any kind you care to write about -physical, emotional, moral creative, personal, professional or some other sort, (1-2 pages in length)

4.Writing Sample(最多10页)

One sample of your creative writing. This may be an excerpt with a note explaining the context. Writing in script form is not required. Please only include original material-do not submit a television spec episode of an existing television show. Maximum of 10 pages. If you send more than 10, only the first 10 will be read



A list of all significant creative projects in which the appli­cant has participated, noting the role the applicant has played. Formal recognition such as awards, publications, and exhibitions should also be noted. An example of the portfolio list is below: July 2008, A Day in the Life, digital video, 12 minutes. Position: writer/director. A documentary on a homeless Iraq vet who has lived on the streets since his return from the military. Created for senior-year multimedia term project, San Raphael High School, Mi­ami, Florida. March 2008, Doorways, a series of 5 black-and-white photographs. Position: photographer. "Second Prize Winner" in the Des Moines Sunday Journal photo contest. February 2007, Cellomorphosis, short story. Position: writer. A vari­ ation on the novella by Franz Kafka; published in Writing, vol. IV, 2007, at Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts.



9.语言成绩:TOEFL 100, IELTS 7.0












