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demanding/ dI5mB:ndIN; ?@ dI5mAndIN; dI`mAndIN/ adj (a) (of a task, etc) needing much patience, skill, effort, etc (指任


/ dI5mB:ndIN; ?@ dI5mAndIN; dI`mAndIN/ adj (a) (of a task, etc) needing much patience, skill, effort, etc (指任务等)需要很大耐性、 技巧、 努力等的:

a demanding job, schedule, etc 需要高度技巧的工作、 需努力才能实现的计划. (b) (of a person) making others work hard, meet high standards, etc (指人)对他人要求高的, 苛求的:

a demanding boss, father, etc 苛求的老板、 父亲等 *| Children are so demanding: they need constant attention. 孩子们总有所求, 需要时刻照顾他们.


/ 5di:mB:keIt; dI`mBrket/ v [Tn] mark or fix the limits of (sth) 标出或确定(某事物)的界线: The playing area is demarcated by a white line. 运动场地以白线为界.


/ 9di:mB:5keIFn; 9dimBr`keFEn/ n [U, C] (marking of a) limit or boundary, esp between types of work considered by trade unions to belong to workers in different trades 划界线; 界线; (尤指工会认为属於不同行业间的)工种界线: a line of demarcation 分 界 线 *| [attrib 作 定 语 ] 726demarcation disputes in industry 工业上工种



/ 5deImB:F; de`mBrF/ n (French 法) political step or

proceeding 政治上的步骤或手段.


/ dI5mi:n; dI`min/ v [Tn, Tnt] ~ oneself lower

oneself in dignity; deprive oneself of others'

respect 降低自己的身分; 失去别人的尊重; 贬低

自己: Don't demean yourself by telling such

obvious lies. 你不要用这种明显的谎言自贬人格.

*| I wouldn't demean myself to ask for favours

from them. 我不会降低身分向他们求情.


adj lowering (sb's) dignity; degrading 降低身分

的; 卑微的; 堕落的: He found it very demeaning

to have to work for his former employee. 他觉


demeanour (US demeanor)

/ dI5mi:nE(r); dI`minL/ n [U] (fml 文 ) way of

behaving; conduct 行为; 举止: I dislike his

arrogant demeanour. 我讨厌他那傲慢的行为.


/ dI5mentId; dI`mZntId/ adj (a) mad 疯狂的: a poor, demented creature 可怜的疯子. (b) (fig infml 比

喻, 口) agitated because of worry, anger, etc

(因忧虑、 愤怒等)焦躁不安的: When her child

was two hours late, she became quite

demented. 她孩子晚了两个小时, 她心急如焚.




/ dI5menFE; dI`mZnFE/ n [U] (medical 医) madness

with loss of powers of thinking due to brain

disease or injury 痴呆.

dementia praecox

/ dI9menFE 5pri:kCks; dI9mZnFE `pri9kBks/ (fml 文)

schizophrenia 早发性痴呆症; 精神分裂症.


/ 9demE5reErE; 9dZmE`rZrE/ n [U] (also demerara

sugar) light-brown raw cane sugar 浅褐色蔗糖.


/ di:5merIt; di`mZrIt/ n (fml 文) fault; defect 缺点;

不足; 欠缺: consider the merits and demerits of

a system 考虑一个制度的长处和短处.


/ dI5meIn; dI`men/ n (law 律) (a) [U] possession

and use of land as one's own property 土地的

领有和使用(作为私产): land held in demesne 领

有的地产. (b) [C] estate with land held in this

way, ie without tenants living on it 领有供自用



pref 前缀 (with ns 与名词结合) half; partly 半; 部分: demigod.


/ 5demImCnd; `dZmI9mBnd/ n [Gp] (French 法) 1 group of people whose actions are thought to be not entirely legal, respectable, etc 不正派的一群人: the demi-monde of gambling clubs and sleazy bars 赌场和低级酒吧里不正派的人. 2 (formerly) women thought to be not entirely respectable and for this reason not acceptable to society (旧时)因不正派而为社会嫌弃的女子.


/ 5demIgCd; `dZmE9^Bd/ n (in classical mythology) being who is partly divine and partly human, esp the offspring of a god or goddess and a human (古典神话中)半神半人(尤指神与人所生的後代).


/ 5demIdVCn; `dZmE9dVBn/ n large bottle with a narrow neck, often in a wickerwork case 细颈大瓶(常置於柳条套中).

demilitarize, demilitarise

/ 9di:5mIlItEraIz; di`mIlEtE9raIz/ v [Tn] remove military forces or installations from (an area) as a result of a treaty or an agreement 从(一地区)撤军或拆除军事设施: a demilitarized zone 非军事区.

demilitarization, -isation

/ 9di:9mIlItEraI5zeIFn;?@ -rI5z-; di9mIlEtErI`zeFEn/ n [U, Gp].


/ dI5maIz; dI`maIz/ n [sing] 1 (fml 文) death 死; 死亡. 2 (fig 比喻) end or failure (of an enterprise, etc) 停业; 倒闭: This loss led to the demise of the business. 这一损失导致了公司的倒闭.


/ 9di:5mIst; di`mIst/ v [Tn] remove the mist from (eg the windscreen of a car) 除去(如汽车挡风玻璃)上面的雾水.

demister (US defroster)

n device that warms (esp the windscreen of a vehicle) to stop mist forming 除雾器(尤指车辆挡风玻璃的).


/ 5demEU; `dZmo/ n (pl ~s) (infml 口 esp Brit) = demonstration(3).


/ 9di:5mCb; di`mBb/ v (-bb-) [Tn] (Brit infml 口) = demobilize (sb).


727n [U] (Brit infml 口) = demobilization.

demobilize, demobilise

/ di:5mEUbElaIz; di`mobE9laIz/ v [Tn] release (sb) from military service 使(某人)复员, 退伍; 遣散(军队).

demobilization, -isation

/ 9di:9mEU-bElaI5zeIFn; ?@ -lI5z-; 9dimobElI`zeFEn/ n [U].


/ dI5mCkrEsI; dE`mBkrEsI/ n 1 (a) [U] system of government by the whole people of a country, esp through representatives whom they elect 民 主 ; 民 主 政 治 ; 民 主 政 体 ; 民 主 制 度 :

parliamentary democracy 议会民主政体. (b) [C] country having such a system 民主国家: the Western democracies 西方的民主国家. 2 [C, U] (country with a) government that allows freedom of speech, religion and political opinion, that upholds the rule of law and majority rule and that respects the rights of minorities 民主政府; 有民主政府的国家: the principles of democracy 民主政府的原则. 3 (a) [U] treatment of each other by citizens as equals, without social class divisions 民主精神; 民主作风: Is there more democracy in Australia than in Britain? 澳大利亚比英国更民主吗? (b) [C] society where such conditions exist 民主社会. 4 [U] control of an organization by its members, who take part in the making of decisions ( 一 组 织 由 其 成 员 的 ) 民 主 管 理 :

industrial democracy 企业的民主管理.


/ 5demEkrAt; `dZmE9krAt/ n 1 person who believes in or supports democracy 民 主 主 义 者 .2 Democrat (abbr 缩写 D) member or supporter of the Democratic Party of the US 美国民主党的党员或拥护者. Cf 参看 republican 2.


/ 9demE5krAtIk; 9dZmE`krAtIk/ adj 1 based on the principles of democracy (1a) 民主的; 民主政治的; 民主政体的: democratic rights, elections 民主的权利、 选举 *| democratic government, rule, etc 民 主 的 政 府 、 统 治 等 . 2 of or supporting democracy(3); paying no or little attention to class divisions based on birth or wealth 民 主 作 风 的 ; 平 等 的 : a democratic society, outlook 民主的社会、 观点. 3 of or supporting control of an organization by its members 民主管理的: democratic involvement, participation, etc 参与民主管理、 参加民主管理.


/ -klI; -klI/ adv: democratically elected, decided,

etc 民主选举的、 民主决定的.

Democratic Party

one of the two main political parties in the US 民主党(美国两大 主要政党之一 ). Cf 参看Republican Party (republican).

democratize, democratise

/ dI5mCkrEtaIz; dE`mBkrE9taIz/ v [Tn] make (sth) democratic 使(某事)民主化: democratize the administration of an organization 使一组织的管理民主化.

democratization, -isation

/ dI-9mCkrEtaI5zeIFn; dI9mBkrEtE`zeFEn/ n [U].


/ dI5mCgrEfI; dI`mB^rEfI/ n [U] study of statistics of births, deaths, diseases, etc in order to show the state of a community 人口统计学; 人口学.


/ dI5mCgrEfE(r); dI`mB^rEfL/ n expert in such studies 人口统计学家; 人口学家.


/ 9demE5grAfIk; 9dZmE`^rAfIk/ adj.


/ dI5mClIF; dI`mBlIF/ v [Tn] 1 (a) pull or knock down (a building, etc) 拆毁, 拆除(建筑物等): They've demolished the slum district. 贫民区已拆除. (b) (fig 比喻) destroy (a theory, etc) 推翻, 驳倒(理论等): Her article brilliantly demolishes his argument. 她的文章精辟地批驳了他的论点. 2 (fig joc 比喻, 谑) eat (sth) greedily 贪婪地吃(某物): She demolished two whole pies. 她贪婪地吃下两个馅饼.


/ 9demE-5lIFn; 9dZmE`lIFEn/ n [U, C]: the demolition of the houses 房屋的拆除 *| [attrib 作定语] demolition contractors 做拆除工作的承包者.


/ 5di:mEn; `dimEn/ n 1 wicked or cruel spirit 恶魔; 魔鬼: medieval carvings of demons 中世纪的魔鬼雕像. 2 (infml 口) (a) person thought to be wicked, mischievous, etc 恶人; 恶棍; 调皮鬼: Your son's a little demon. 你儿子是个小调皮鬼. (b) ~ (for sth) energetic person 精力充沛的人: She's a demon for work, ie works very hard. 她工作起来精力充沛. *| [attrib 作定语] a demon worker 精 力 过 人 的 工 作 者 . (c) fierce or aggressive player 勇猛的运动员; 攻击型的运动员: [attrib 作定语] a demon bowler 勇猛的投球手. 3 (idm 习语) the demon `drink (joc 谑) alcoholic drink, esp when it is the cause of wild noisy behaviour 含酒精的饮料(尤指饮後使人撒酒疯者): He's very violent: it's the demon 728drink, you know. 他大撒酒疯, 你要知道就是因



/ di:5mCnIk; di`mBnIk/ adj: demonic energy 过人的


demonetize, demonetise

/ 9di:5mQnItaIz; di`mQnE9taIz/ v stop (a metal) being

used as currency 使(某金属)不再用作货币.

demonetization, -isation

/ di:9mQnItaI-5zeIFn; ?@ -tI5z-; di9mQnEtI`zeFEn/ n [U].


/ dI5mEUnIAk; dI`monI9Ak/ (also demoniacal/

9di:mE5naIEkl; 9dimE`naIEkl/) adj (a) very evil;

devilish 邪恶的; 凶恶的; 恶魔般的: demoniac

tortures, plans 酷刑、 邪恶的计划. (b) frenzied;

fiercely energetic 疯 狂 的 ; 精 力 极 充 沛 的 :

demoniac energy, fury, etc 逾常的精力、 狂怒



/ 5demEnstrEbl; ?@ dI5mCnstrEbl; `dI-mBnstrEbl/ adj

that can be shown or proved 可表明的; 可证实

的: a demonstrable lie, inaccuracy, etc 明显的

谎言、 误差等.


/ 9demEnstrE5bIlEtI;9dZmEnstrE`bIlEtI/ n [U].


/ -blI; -blI/ adv.


/ 5demEnstreIt; `dZmEn9stret/ v 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tf, Tw] ~ sth (to sb) show sth clearly by giving

proof or evidence 证明; 论证: demonstrate the

truth of a statement (to sb) (向某人)证明一说

法的真实性 *| How do you demonstrate that

the pressure remains constant? 你怎样证明压

力一直不变? *| Can you demonstrate what you

mean by that? 你那样做能说明你的意思吗? (b)

[Tn, Tf, Tw] be an example of (sth); show 是(某

事 物 ) 的 实 例 ; 表 明 ; 表 示 : The election

demonstrates democracy in action. 这次选举是

以实际行动体现了民主. *| His sudden departure

demonstrates that he's unreliable/how

unreliable he is. 他突然离去表明他不可靠[他多

麽不可靠]. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tw] ~ sth (to sb) show

and explain how sth works or a way of doing

sth 示 范 并 解 释 某 物 如 何 操 作 或 使 用 : An

assistant demonstrated the washing machine

(to customers). 店员(向顾客)示范如何使用洗衣

机. *| She demonstrated how best to defend

oneself. 她示范最有效的自卫方法. 3 [I, Ipr] ~

(against/in favour of sb/sth) take part in a

public rally, etc, usu as a protest or to show

support 示威; 进行示威集会或游行: Thousands demonstrated against the price increases. 数以千计的人举行示威, 抗议物价上涨. 4 [Tn] express (sth) by one's actions 用行动表达(某事): Workers have already demonstrated their opposition to the plans. 工人们已经表明反对这些方案. *| demonstrate strong feelings 显示出强烈的感情.


/ 9demEn5streIFn; 9dZmEn`streFEn/ n 1 [C, U] (instance of) showing sth by giving proof or evidence 证明; 论证: convinced by (a) scientific demonstration 以科学的论证使人信服 *| a demonstration of a law of physics 证明一物理定 律 . 2 [C, U] (instance of) showing and explaining how sth works (对某物如何操作的)示范, 解释: a demonstration of the computer's functions 计算机功能的示范表演. =>Usage 见所附用法. 3 [C] ~ (against/in favour of sb/sth) public, often organized, rally or march protesting against or supporting sb/sth (抗议或拥护某人[某事], 常为有组织的)集会或游行: a mass demonstration in support of the regime 拥护该政权的群众集会. 4 [C] outward sign; example 表现; 表示; 实例: a demonstration of affection, eg embracing sb 爱的表示(如拥抱某人 ) *| a clear demonstration of their intentions 他们明显表示意图.


NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 A demonstration and a display do not require a specific or permanent site.*|demonstration 和 display 不必有特定的或永久的地点. At a demonstration one sees how something works or is done 在demonstration 中可以看到某事物的操作情形: a cookery demonstration 烹 饪 表 演 *| a demonstration of a new car 新汽车的使用示范. 2 A display is often for public entertainment *|display 常 用 於 公 共 娱 乐 方 面 : a flying, fireworks, fashion, etc display 飞行、 烟火、 时装等表演. 3 A trade exhibition/show/fair is held in an exhibition hall or centre where commercial or industrial goods are advertised *|trade exhibition/ show/ fair 是在 exhibition hall 或 centre 中举办的, 用以宣传工商业产品: a book fair 书展 *| the World Trade Fair 世界贸易博览会 *| the Motor Show 机动车辆展览 *|the Great Exhibition 大型展览会. 4 A show can also be of domestic animals or plants, often in 729competition for prizes. *|show 还可作豢养的动

物 展 览 或 栽 培 的 花 草 展 览 , 常 为 有 奖 竞 赛 . Paintings, drawings, etc are displayed in an exhibition 绘画等则在 exhibition 中展出: the Chelsea Flower Show 切尔西花展 *| a horse show 马展 *| an art exhibition 美术展览会. 5 A fair or funfair is also a collection of entertainments (roundabouts, stalls, etc) travelling from town to town. *|fair 或 funfair也可作巡回的娱乐集会(有旋转木马、游戏摊位等).


/ dI5mCnstrEtIv; dI`mBnstrEtIv/ adj 1 (a) (of people) showing the feelings readily (指人)易流露感情的, 喜怒形於色的: Some people are more demonstrative than others. 有些人较爱流露感情 . (b) expressing feelings, esp affection, openly 公开表露感情的(尤指爱慕之情): He's very demonstrative: he kissed me on both cheeks. 他热情奔放, 吻了我的双颊. 2 (grammar) (of a determiner or pronoun) indicating the person or thing referred to (指限定词或代词)指 示 的 : In `This is my bike', `this' is a demonstrative pronoun. 在 This is my bike 一句中, this 是指示代词. > demonstratively adv. demonstrativeness n [U]: embarrassed by demonstrativeness 受公开表露的爱慕之情所窘.


/ 5demEnstreItE(r); `dZmEn9stretL/ n 1 person who teaches or explains by demonstrating (demonstrate 2) 示范助教: The demonstrators set up apparatus for the experiment. 示范助教安排好了实验装置. 2 person who demonstrates (demonstrate 3) 示威者; 游行者; 集会者: The noisy demonstrators were dispersed by the police. 喧嚷的示威者遭警察驱散.

demoralize, demoralise

/ dI5mCrElaIz; ?@ -5mR:r-; dI`mRrEl-9aIz/ v [Tn] weaken the courage or self-confidence of (sb); dishearten 削弱(某人)的勇气或自信心; 使泄气; 使 士 气 低 落 : The troops were thoroughly demoralized by this set-back. 这一挫败使部队士气丧失殆尽. *| feel very demoralized 觉得十分沮丧 *| The news is very demoralizing. 这消息很使人泄气. Cf 参看 dispirit.

demoralization, -isation

/ dI9mCrElaI5zeIFn; ?@ -9mR:rElE5z-; dI9mRrElE`zeFEn/ n [U].


/ 9di:5mEUt; di`mot/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (from sth) (to sth) reduce sb to a lower rank or grade 将某人降级或降职: He was demoted from sergeant to

corporal. 他由中士降到下士. Cf 参看 promote.


/ 9di:5mEUFn; di`moFEn/ n [C, U].


/ dI5mCtIk; dI`mBtIk/ adj of or used by ordinary people 民众的; 通俗的: demotic Greek, ie the informal, esp spoken, form of modern Greek 现代希腊语的通俗形式(尤指口语).


/ dI5m:(r); dI`m[/ v (-rr-) [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth) (fml 文) express a doubt (about sth) or an objection (to sth) (对某事物)表示怀疑或反对: I suggested putting the matter to a vote, but the chairman demurred. 我建议对此事投票表决, 但主席表示反对.


n (idm 习语) without demur without objecting or hesitating 无异议地; 不犹豫地.


/ dI5mjUE(r); dI`mjJr/ adj (a) (pretending to be) quiet, serious and modest (故作)安静的, 严肃的, 谦虚的: a very demure young lady 假装矜持的少女. (b) suggesting that one is demure 显示安静的、 严肃的、 谦虚的: a demure smile, reply, etc 安静的微笑、 谦逊的回答.




n [U].


/ 9di:5mIstIfaI; di`mIstE9faI/ v (pt, pp -fied) [Tn] make (sth) less mysterious; make clear 使(某事物)非神秘化; 弄清楚: We are trying to demystify the workings of government. 我们要尽量使政府工作公开化.


/ 9di:9mIstIfI5keIFn; 9dimIstEfE`keFEn/ n [U] action of making sth less mysterious 非神秘化: The demystification of the Resurrection upsets many Christians. 把耶稣的复活作非神秘化解释使许多基督徒不快.


/ den; dZn/ n 1 animal's hidden home, eg a cave 兽穴; 窝(如山洞): a bear's/lion's den 熊的[狮子的]洞穴. 2 (derog 贬) secret meeting-place 秘密相聚之处: an `opium den 鸦片烟窟 *| a den of thieves 贼窝. 3 (infml 口) room in a home where a person can work or study without being disturbed (家中的)私室, 书斋: retire to one's den 回到自己的私室. 4 (idm 习语) beard the lion in his den => beard2. a den of i`niquity/`vice (often joc 常作戏谑语) a place 730where evil or immoral activities go on 进行罪恶

活动的地方: He thought of New York as a den of iniquity. 他认为纽约是个藏污纳垢之处.

denationalize, denationalise

/ 9di:5nAFEnElaIz; di`nAFEnl9aIz/ v [Tn] put (a nationalized industry) back into private ownership, usu by selling shares in it; privatize 将(国营工业)恢复为私营; 使非国有化; 使私有化. Cf 参看 nationalize 1.

denationalization, -isation

/ 9di: 9nFEnElaI5zeIFn; US -lI5z-; di9nAFEnElI`zeFEn/ n [U].


/ 9di:5neItFEd; di`netFLd/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] (a) made unfit for eating and drinking (but possibly still usable for other purposes) 不适於食用或饮用的; 变性的: denatured alcohol 变性酒精. (b) having lost its natural qualities 已失去天然特性的: denatured rubber, ie no longer elastic 失去弹性的橡胶.


/ dI5naIEbl; dI`naIEbl/ adj that can be denied 可否认的; 可否定的; 可拒绝的: I suppose these changes are deniable? ie We might convince others they are not true. 我想这些更动可以驳回吧?


/ dI5naIEl; dI`naIEl/ n 1 [C] ~ (of sth/that...) statement that sth is not true 否 认 : the prisoner's repeated denials of the charges against him 囚犯对被控罪名再三否认 *| an official denial that there would be an election in May 官方对五月份要进行选举一事加以否认. 2 [C, U] (a) ~ of sth refusal to grant (justice, rights, etc) (对公正处理、 权利等的)拒绝, 拒不给予: condemn the denial of basic human freedoms 谴责剥夺基本的自由权. (b) ~ (of sth) refusal (of a request, etc) (对要求等的)拒绝: the denial of his request for leave 对他请假予以拒绝.


/ 5denIE(r); `dZnIr/ n unit for measuring fineness of rayon, nylon and silk yarns 旦尼尔, 旦(人造丝、 尼龙、 丝、 纱线的纤度单位): [attrib 作定语] 30 denier stockings 30 旦的长袜.


/ 5denIgreIt; `dZnE9^ret/ v [Tn] claim (unfairly) that (sb/sth) is inferior, worthless, etc; belittle 诋毁; 贬 低 ; 诬 蔑 : denigrate sb's character, achievements, etc 诋毁某人的人格、 成就等.


/ 9denI-5greIFn; 9dZnE`^reFEn/ n [U].


/ 5denIm; `dZnEm/ n 1 [U] hard-wearing twilled cotton cloth (used for jeans, overalls, etc) 斜纹粗棉布(用於制牛仔裤、 工作服、 罩衫等). 2 denims [pl] (infml 口) jeans made from this 斜纹粗棉布制的牛仔裤.


/ 5denIzn; `dZnEzn/ n (fml or joc 文或谑) person or type of animal or plant living or growing permanently in a place 长久生长於某地的人或动植物: polar bears, denizens of the frozen north 北 极 熊 , 北 极 冰 天 雪 地 的 老 住 户 *|Blenkinsop, a respected denizen of our school, ie a teacher who has been there for a long time.

布伦金索普, 我校长期备受尊敬的教师.


/ dI9nCmI5neIFn; dI9nBmE`neFEn/ n 1 (fml 文) name, esp of a general class or type; classification 名称(尤指种类名称); 分类: agreed denominations for various species of fish 各种鱼的公认的分类. 2 religious group or sect 宗 教 派 别 : The Protestant denominations include the Methodists, the Presbyterians and the Baptists. 新教派别包括卫理公会派、 长老会派、浸礼派. 3 class or unit of measurement or money 度量衡或货币的单位: The US coin of the lowest denomination is the cent. 美国硬币的最小单位是美分. *| We can reduce fractions to the same denomination 分数可以化为同分母 denominational

/ -5neIFEnl; -`neFEnl/ adj of denominations (denomination 2) 宗教派别的: denominational schools 各教派的学校.


/ dI5nCmIneItE(r); dI`nBmE9netL/ n (mathematics 数) number below the line in a fraction, showing how many parts the whole is divided into, eg 4 in 分母(如 中的 4). Cf 参看 numerator.


/ dI5nEUt; dI`not/ v (a) [Tn] be the name, sign or symbol of (sth); refer to 作为(某事物)的名称、符 号 或 象 徵 ; 指 的 是 : What does the term `organic' denote? organic 一词指的是什麽? *| In algebra, the sign x usually denotes an unknown quantity. 在代数中, x 符号通常代表一未知的量. (b) [Tn, Tf] indicate (sth) 表示(某事物): The mark X denotes an omission. 增补号(X)表示有脱漏. *| This mark denotes that a word has been deleted. 这个符号表示有个词已删掉.


/ 9deI5nu:mCN; ?@ 9deInu:5mR:N; denu`mRN/ n last part, esp of a novel, play, etc, in which everything is settled or made clear 最後部分; (尤指小说、 戏剧等的)结局: In a surprising denouement, she becomes a nun. 结局出人意表, 她当修女了.


/ dI5naUns; dI`naJns/ v 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.a] ~ sb (to sb) (as sth) give information (to the authorities) against sb (向当局)告发某人: An informer denounced him to the police (as a terrorist). 检举人已向警方告发他(是恐怖分子).

(b) [Tn, Cn.a] ~ sb/sth (as sth) say that sb/sth is wrong, unlawful, etc 谴责; 指责; 斥责: She strongly denounced the Government's hypocrisy. 她 强 烈 谴 责 政 府 虚 伪 . *| Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the agreement. 工会负责人谴责这一行动破坏了协议. 2 [Tn] announce one's withdrawal from (a treaty, etc) 宣布退出(条约等).


/ dens; dZns/ adj (-r, -st) 1 (a) very heavy in relation to each unit of volume 密度大的: a dense substance, rock, star 密度大的物质、 岩石、 星星. (b) (of liquids or vapour) not easily seen through (指液体、 水气或烟雾)不易看透的, 浓的: dense fog/smoke 大雾[浓烟]. 2 (of people and things) crowded together in great numbers (指人和物)稠密的, 密集的: a dense crowd, forest 密集的人群、 茂密的森林. 3 (infml 口) stupid 愚蠢的: How can you be so dense? 你怎麽能如此愚蠢?> densely adv: a densely populated country 人口稠密的国家 *| densely wooded, ie covered with trees growing close together 森林茂密的.


n [U].


/ 5densEtI; `dZnsEtI/ n 1 [U] quality of being dense(1b, 2) 浓度; 密度: the density of a forest, the fog, etc 森林的密度、 雾的浓度. 2 [C, U] (physics 物) relation of mass to volume 密度(质量与体积的关系).


/ dent; dZnt/ n 1 (also dint) hollow place in a hard even surface made by a blow or pressure 凹陷; 凹部; 凹痕: a dent in the boot of my car 我的汽车行李箱上的凹痕. 2 (idm 习语) (make) a dent in sth (infml 口) (cause) a reduction in sth 减少; 削减; 削弱: a dent in one's pride 自尊心的挫伤 *| The repairs made a dent in our funds, ie

cost us a lot. 这次修理用去了我们很多钱.


v (a) [Tn] make a dent or dents in (sth) 在(某物)上造成凹痕: The back of the car was badly dented in a collision. 这辆汽车後部在碰撞中造成很大的凹陷.(b) [I] get a dent or dents 出现凹痕: a metal that dents easily 容易出现凹痕的金属.


/ 5dentl; `dZntl/ adj 1 of or for the teeth 牙齿的; 牙科的: dental care, treatment, etc 牙齿的保护、治疗等. 2 (phonetics 语音) pronounced with the tip of the tongue near or touching the upper front teeth 齿音的: dental sounds 齿音, 如/ W/、 /T/.

dental floss

soft thread used for cleaning the gaps between the teeth 洁牙线(用以使牙缝清洁的软线).

dental hygienist

/ 5dentl haI5dVi:nIst; 9dZntl haI`dVinIst/ person who works, usu for a dentist, cleaning and polishing people's teeth 牙科保健员.

dental plate

= plate1 9.

dental surgeon

dentist 牙科医师.


/ 5dentIfrIs; `dZntE9frIs/ n [U] (fml 文) powder or paste used for cleaning the teeth 牙粉; 牙膏.


/ 5dentIst; `dZntIst/ n person whose work is filling, cleaning and taking out teeth, and fitting artificial teeth 牙科医生.


/ 5dentIstrI; `dZntIstrI/ n [U] work of a dentist 牙医术.


/ 5dentFE(r); `dZntFL/ n (usu pl 通常作复数) = plate1 9:a set of dentures 一副假牙.


/ dI5nju:d; ?@ -5nu:d; dI`nud/ v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (of sth) make sth bare; take the covering off sth 使某物裸露; 去掉遮掩; 剥光: trees denuded of leaves 叶子落尽的秃树 *| hillsides denuded of trees 无树的秃山坡.


/ 9di:nju:5deIFn; ?@ -nu:-; 9dinu`deFEn/ n [U].


/ dI9nQnsI5eIFn; dI9nQnsI`eFEn/ n [C, U](act of) denouncing 谴 责 ; 斥 责 : her fierce denunciation(s) of her enemies 她对仇敌的强烈 732谴责.


/ dI5naI; dI`naI/ v (pt, pp denied) 1 [Tn, Tf, Tnt, Tg] say that (sth) is not true 否认, 否定(某事):

deny a statement, a claim, an accusation, a charge, etc 否认一个说法、 否定某人声称的事、否认一项指责、 否认一项指控 *| deny that sth is true 否定某事属实 *| (fml 文) She denied this to be the case. 她不承认情况是这样. *| He denied knowing anything about it. 他否认知道此事. *| He denied that he was involved. 他否认与己有关. *| There is no denying the fact that..., ie Everyone must admit that... 无可否认.... Cf 参看 affirm. 2 [Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) refuse to give sb, or prevent sb from having, (sth asked for or wanted) 拒不给予某人(所求或所需之物); 阻止某人获得(所求或所需之物): He gave to his friends what he denied to his family. 他宁可赠予朋友也不给家里人. *| She was angry at being denied the opportunity to see me. 因不准她见我, 她非常生气. *| He denies himself nothing. 他对自己极为放纵. 3 [Tn] say that one knows nothing about (sth); refuse to acknowledge; disown 声称对(某事)毫无所知; 拒 绝 承 认 ; 否 认 与 己 有 关 : He denied any knowledge of their plans, ie claimed to know nothing about them. 他声称对他们的计划一无所知. *| (fml 文) He denied the signature, ie said that it was not his. 他拒不承认这是他的签字.


/ di:5EUdErEnt; di`odErEnt/ n [U, C] substance that removes or disguises (esp bodily) odours 除臭剂, 防臭剂(尤指除体臭者).

deodorize, deodorise

/ di:5EUdEraIz; di`odE9raIz/ v [Tn] remove (esp bad) smells from (sb/sth) 除去(某人[某物])的臭味.


abbr 缩写 = 1 depart(s); departed; departing; departure: dep Paris 23.05 hrs 23 时 05 分自巴黎开出. Cf 参看 arr 2. 2 deputy.


/ dI5pB:t; dI`pBrt/ v (fml 文) 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (for...) (from...) go away; leave 走 开 ; 离 开 : We departed for London at 10 am. 我们上午 10 点动身去伦敦. *| The 10. 15 to Leeds departs from platform 4. 10 点 15 分开往利兹的火车在第4 站台上车. 2 (idm 习语) depart (from) this `life (arch or rhet 古或修辞) die 去世; 亡故. 3 (phr v) depart from sth behave in a way that differs from (what is usual or expected) 背离; 违反:

depart from routine, standard practice, old customs, etc 违反常规、 惯例、 旧风俗等 *|depart from the truth, ie not be truthful 背离事实.


/ dI5pB:tId; dI`pBrtId/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] 1 (fml or euph 文或婉) dead 死去的; 故去的: our departed heroes, eg soldiers who died in battle 我们那些与世长辞的英雄(如阵亡的士兵) *| your dear departed brother 你挚爱的已故兄长. 2 (fml 文) past; bygone 过去的; 以往的: thinking of departed glories 怀念过去的光荣.


/ dI5pB:tmEnt; dI`pBrtmEnt/ n 1 (abbr 缩写 Dept) each of several divisions of a government, business, shop, university, etc (政府、 企业、商店、 大学等的)部, 司, 局, 处, 科, 部门, 系: the Department of the Environment 环境部 *|the Education Department 教 育 部 *| the export sales department 出口销售部 *| the men's clothing department 男装部. 2 area of activity or knowledge 活动 范围 ; 知识 领 域 : Don't ask me about our finances: that's my wife's department. 我们家的经济情况你别问我, 那是我妻子的事. 3 administrative district, eg in France 行政区, 省(如法国的).


/ 9di:pB:t5mentl; di9pBrt`mZntl/ adj of a department, rather than the whole organization 部门的(非整个组织的): a departmental manager, meeting 部门的经理、 会议.

department store

large shop where many kinds of goods are sold in different departments 百货公司.


/ dI5pB:tFE(r); dI`pBrtFL/ n 1 (a) [U] ~ (from...) departing; going away 离 开 ; 离 去 : His departure was quite unexpected. 他这一走很出人意料. *| [attrib 作定语] the departure lounge, ie in an airport 候机室. (b) [C] instance of this 离 开 ; 离 去 : notices showing arrivals and departures of trains 列车到达和开出时刻的公告. 2 (a) [C, U] ~ from sth action different from (what is usual or expected) 背离; 违反: a departure from old customs, the standard procedure, etc 同旧习俗、 标准程序等相违. (b) [C] course of action; venture 行动; 大胆行事: Working on a farm is a new departure for him. 对他来说, 在农场工作是一种新的尝试. 3 (idm 习语) a point of departure => point1.


/ dI5pend; dI`pZnd/ v 1 (idm 习语) that de`pends; it (all) de`pends (used alone, or at the beginning of a sentence 单独使用, 或用於句首) the result will be decided by sth mentioned or implied 那 得 看 情 况 : `Can I come?' `That depends: there might not be room in the car.' `我能来吗?'`那要看情况, 汽车里可能没有空座了.' *| It depends how you tackle the problem. 那取决於你如何解决这个问题. 2 (phr v) depend on/upon sb/sth (a) be sure, or confidently expect, that sth will happen 确信; 坚信; 信赖: I'm depending on you coming. 我肯定你会来的. *| You can never depend on his arriving on time. 决不可指望他能准时到达. *|(ironic 反语) You can depend on her to be (ie She always is) late. 可以担保她必定迟到. *|Depend on it (ie You can be sure): we won't give up. 可以打包票, 我们决不会放弃. (b) (be able to) believe that sb/sth will be reliable (能)相信某人[某事物]可靠: You can't depend on the train arriving on time. 千万不要认为这列火车能正点到达. *| She's a woman who can be depended on. 她是个可以信赖的人. depend on sb/sth (for sth) (usu not in the continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) (a) need sb/sth for a particular purpose (因某目的)需要某人[某事物]: I haven't got a car, so I have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车, 所以我得乘公共汽车. *|We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻. (b) get money or other help from sb/sth 从某人[某事物]处得到钱或其他帮助: This area depends on the mining industry. 这个地区以采矿业为经济基础. *| Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 儿童靠父母供给衣食. depend on sth be decided by sth; follow from sth 视某事物而定; 取决於某事物: A lot will depend on how she responds to the challenge. 在很大程度上将取决於她对这一难题的反应. *| How much is produced depends on how hard we work. 产量的大小在於我们努力的程度.


adj ?ithat may be depended on 可信赖的; 可靠的: a dependable friend, car, service 可靠的朋友、 汽车、 服务.


/ dI9pendE5bIlEtI; dI-9pZndE`bIlEtI/ n [U].


/ -EblI; -EblI/ adv.

dependant (also esp US dependent) / dI5pendEnt; dI`pZndEnt/ n person who depends on others for a home, food, etc 依赖他人生活者; 受扶养?


/ dI5pendEns; dI`pZndEns/ n [U] ~ on/upon sb/sth 1 trust in sb/sth; reliance on sb/sth 信赖; 信任: my complete dependence on her skill and experience 我对她的技巧和经验的完全信赖. 2 (a) state of having to be supported by others 依赖: Find a job and end your dependence on your parents. 找个工作, 别再依赖你父母了. (b) state of being affected by or needing sb/sth 依靠; 指望: the dependence of the crops on the weather 收 成 靠 天 *| medical treatment for drug/alcohol dependence 戒除毒瘾[酒瘾]的治疗.


/ dI5pendEnsI; dI`pZndEnsI/ n country governed or controlled by another 附属国; 附属地: The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA. 夏威夷群岛已不再是美国的属地.


/ dI5pendEnt; dI`pZndEnt/ adj 1 ~ (on/upon sb/sth) needing support from sb 需要某人支持的; 依靠的; 依赖的: a woman with several dependent children 带著几个无法自理的孩子的女人 *| be dependent on one's parents, a grant 依靠父母[补助]. 2 [pred 作表语] ~ on/upon sth affected or decided by sth 取决於某事物: Success is dependent on how hard you work. 成败取决於努力的程度. 3 [pred 作表语] ~ on/upon sth needing sth physically 肉体上需要某物: be dependent on drugs/alcohol 有毒瘾[酒瘾].


n (esp US) = dependant.

dependent clause

= subordinate clause (subordinate).


/ dI5pIkt; dI`pIkt/ v [Tn, Cn.n/a, Cn.g] (a) show (sb/sth) as a picture; portray 描绘(某人[某事物]); 描画: a picture depicting him as a clown 把他画成小丑的画 *| The drawing depicts her sitting on a sofa. 这幅画画的是她坐在沙发上的姿势. (b) describe (sth) in words 描述, 描写(某事物): Her novel depicts life in modern London (as an ordeal). 她的小说描写的是伦敦现代的生活(苦不堪言).


/ dI5pIkFn; dI`pIkFEn/ n [U, C].


734/ dI5pIlEtrI; ?@ -tR:rI; dI`pIlE9tRrI/ n, adj (liquid, cream, etc) used for removing excess hair 用以

脱毛的(液、 膏、 霜、 油等); 脱毛的; 脱毛剂.


/ 9di:5pleIn; di`plen/ v [I, Tn] (cause sb to) leave an

aircraft (使某人)下飞机: The troops (were)

deplaned an hour later. 部队一个小时後下了飞



/ dI5pli:t; dI`plit/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] reduce greatly the

quantity, size, power or value of (sth) 大量削减

(某物)的数量、 能力或价值; 消耗: Our stock of

food is greatly depleted. 我们的食物储备已消耗

殆尽. *| This expense has depleted our funds.

这笔花费已使我们的资金所剩无几. *| a lake

depleted of fish, ie with many of the fish gone



/ dI5pli:Fn; dI`pliFEn/ n [U] depleting or being

depleted 削减; 消耗.


/ dI5plR:(r); dI`plRr/ v [Tn] (a) be shocked or

offended by (sth); condemn 被(某事物)震惊或

触 犯 ; 谴 责 : She deplored his scandalous

actions. 她谴责他那令人愤慨的行为. (b) feel

sorrow or regret about (sth) 对(某事物)感到悲



/ dI5plR:rEbl; dI`plRrEbl/ adj that is, or should be, condemned ( 应 ) 受 谴 责 的 : a deplorable

attitude, speech 应受谴责的态度、 讲话 *| The

acting was deplorable! 这种演技糟透了!


/ -EblI; -EblI/ adv.


/ dI5plRI; dI`plRI/ v (a) [I, Tn] (cause troops, etc to)

move into the correct position for battle (使部

队等)进入战斗位置; 调度, 部署(军队等): The

infantry began to deploy at dawn. 步兵黎明时

开始进入战斗位置. *| Artillery was deployed in

the west. 炮兵部署在西边. (b) [Tn] use (sth)

effectively 有效地使用(某物): deploy one's

arguments, resources, etc 有效地利用论据、 资



n [U].


/ dI5pEUnEnt; dI`ponEnt/ n (law 律) person who

makes a written statement for use in a

lawcourt (给法庭提供书面证词的)证人.


/ 9di:5pCpjUleIt; di`pBpjE9let/ v [Tn] reduce the

number of people living in (a city, state, etc) 减少 ( 某 城 市 、 州 等 ) 的 人 口 : a country depopulated by war, famine, disease, etc 因战争、 饥荒、 疾病等而人口下降的国家.


/ 9di:pCpjU5leIFn; 9dipBpjE`le-FEn/ n [U].


/ dI5pR:t; dI`pRrt/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (from...) legally force (a foreigner, criminal, etc) to leave a country 将(外国人、 罪犯等)驱逐出境: He was convicted of drug offences and deported. 他被判犯有毒品罪而遭驱逐出境.


/ 9di:pR:5teIFn; 9dipRr`teFEn/ n [C, U] (instance of) deporting or being deported 驱逐出境: Years ago convicted criminals in England could face deportation to Australia. 很多年以前, 英国已定罪的犯人可能被驱逐到澳大利亚.


/ 9di:pR:5ti:; 9dipRr`ti/ n person who is or has been deported 被驱逐出境的人.


/ dI5pR:tmEnt; dI`pRrtmEnt/ n [U] (fml 文) (a) (Brit) way of standing and walking; bearing 举止; 风度; 仪态: Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少 女 以 前 要 上 仪 态 课 . (b) (US) behaviour 行为; 举止.


/ dI5pEUz; dI`poz/ v 1 [Tn] remove (esp a ruler such as a king) from power 罢免, 革除, 废黜(尤指统治者, 如国王). 2 [Ipr, Tf] ~ to doing sth (law 律) give (usu written) evidence, esp on oath in a lawcourt (通常以书面)证明, 作证(尤指在法庭宣誓): depose to having seen sth 宣誓证明曾目睹某事物 *| depose that one saw sth 宣誓证明亲眼见到某事物. Cf 参看 deposition.


/ dI5pCzIt; dI`pBzIt/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] 1 (a) put (money) into a bank, esp to earn interest, etc 将(钱)存 入 银 行 : The cheque was only deposited yesterday, so it hasn't been cleared yet. 这张支票昨天才存入银行, 所以尚未兑现. (b) ~ sth (with sb) give (sth valuable or important) to sb to be kept in a safe place 将(有价值的或重要之物)交与某人保管: deposit papers with one's lawyer 将文件交与律师保管. 2 (a) pay (sth) as part of a larger sum, the rest of which is to be paid later 付(定金): I had to deposit 10% of the price of the house. 我必须先付房价的 10%作定钱. (b) pay (a sum) as a guarantee in case one damages or loses sth one is renting 付(押金): 735You must deposit 500 as well as the first

month's rent. 你必须付 500 英镑押金及第一个月

的租赁费. 3 ~ sth (on sth) (fml 文) (a) lay or put

sth down 放下某物: He deposited the books on

the desk. 他把书放在办公桌上了. *| Some

insects deposit their eggs on the ground. 有些

昆虫把卵产在地上. (b) (esp of liquids or a river)

cause (mud, silt, etc) to settle (尤指液体、 河

流)使(淤泥等)沉积: The Nile floods the fields

and deposits mud on them. 尼罗河泛滥, 在田



/ dI5pCzIt; dI`pBzIt/ n 1 [C] sum paid into an

account, eg at a bank 存款: a 10 deposit 10 英

镑的存款 *| She made two deposits of 500 last

month. 她上月存了两笔 500 英镑的款. 2 [C] ~

(on sth) (a) payment of a part of a larger sum, the rest of which is to be paid later 定金; 定钱:

The shop promised to keep the goods for me if

I paid a deposit. 商店答应, 倘若我付定金就给我

保留这批货. (b) sum that sb pays in advance, in

case he damages or loses sth he is renting 押

金; 保证金: I had to pay a 500 deposit to the

landlord before I could move into the house.

我得付给房东 500 英镑押金才能搬进房里去. 3 [C, U] (a) layer of matter laid down by a liquid, river, etc (液体、 河流等的)沉积物: A thick

deposit of mud lay on the fields when the flood

went down. 洪水退後, 田野上留下一层厚泥. (b)

layer of matter (often deep in the earth) that

has accumulated naturally (常为在地层深处

的)沉积物, 矿床: Valuable deposits of oil have

been found by drilling. 通过钻探发现很有开采价

值的油层. 4 (idm 习语) on de`posit in a deposit

account 在定 期 存 款 帐 户 中 : have 2000 on

deposit 有 2000 英镑定期存款.

deposit account

type of account, usu at a bank, in which

money earns interest but cannot be taken out

unless the bank is warned in advance 定期存

款帐户. Cf 参看 current account (current1), savings account (saving).


/ 9depE5zIFn; 9dZpE`zIFEn/ n 1 [U] removing (a ruler

such as a king) from power; dethronement (对

国王等统治者的)废黜, 罢免. 2 [U, C] (law 律)

(action of making a) statement on oath 宣誓作

证; (经宣誓的)证词: The accused has made a

deposition. 被告已宣誓作证. Cf 参看 depose.


/ dI5pCzItE(r); dI`pBzItL/ n person who deposits (eg money in a bank) 存放者(如在银行存钱); 存户; 储户.


/ dI5pCzItErI; dI`pBzE9tRrI/ n place where things, eg furniture, are stored; storehouse 储藏室; 仓库.


/ 5depEU; `dZpo/ n (1) (a) storehouse, esp for military supplies; warehouse 仓库; (尤指)军需库; 栈房. (b) place where vehicles, eg buses, are kept 车库(如公共汽车的). (2) (US) railway or bus station 火车站; 公共汽车站.


/ dI5preIv; dI`prev/ v [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (fml 文) make (sb) morally bad; corrupt 使(某人)道德败坏; 使堕落; 使腐化: a man depraved by bad company 被坏朋友带坏的人.


/ 9deprE5veIFn; 9dZprE`veFEn/ n [U] .


/ dI5preIvd; dI`prevd/ adj morally bad; corrupt 道德败坏的; 堕落的; 腐化的: depraved thoughts, morals, companions 堕落的思想、 道德、 伙伴*| He was totally depraved. 他彻底堕落了.


/ dI5prAvEtI; dI`prAvEtI/ n 1 [U] state of being depraved; corruption 堕 落 ; 腐 化 : a life of depravity 腐化的生活 *| sunk in depravity 堕落 . 2 [C] depraved act 堕 落 的 行 为 : the depravities of a corrupt ruler 腐败的统治者的堕落行为.


/ 5deprEkeIt; `dZprE9ket/ v (fml 文) (a) [Tn, Tw, Tg, Tsg] feel and express disapproval of (sth) 对(某事物)表示不赞成; 反对: Hasty action is to be deprecated. 切不可草率行事. *| He deprecates (her) changing the party's policy. 他不赞成(她)改变党的方针. (b) [Tn, Tw] feel embarrassed or displeased by (sb's flattery, etc) 因(某人的奉承等 ) 觉 得 难 为 情 或 不 自 在 : deprecate sb's compliments, condescending charm 对某人的奉承话、 屈尊俯就的态度觉得不自在.


adj: a deprecating smile 不以为然的微笑.




/ 9deprI-5keItErI; ?@ -tR:rI; `dZprEkE9tRrI/ adj: a deprecatory remark, view, etc 表示不悦的言语、观点等.


736/ dI5pri:FIeIt; dI`priFI9et/ v 1 [I] become less

valuable 贬值: Shares in the company have

depreciated. 该公司的股票已经贬值. 2 [Tn] state

that (sth) is not valuable, important, etc;

disparage 贬低; 轻视: Don't depreciate my

efforts to help/what I have done. 不要轻视我为



/ dI9pri:FI5eIFn; dI9priFI`eFEn/ n [C, U]: suffer a

sharp depreciation 遭受巨大贬值损失.


/ dI5pri:FEtErI; ?@ -tR:rI; dI`priFE9tRrI/ adj:

depreciatory remarks about a great

achievement 对一巨大成就的轻蔑言论.


/ 9deprE5deIFn; 9dZprE`deFEn/ n [pl] (fml 文) damage

caused by an attack, accident, etc (由攻击、事

故等造成的)损坏, 破坏: The town survived the

depredations of marauding gangs. 这个城镇经

受 住 了 打 家 劫 舍 的 匪 徒 造 成 的 破 坏 . *| the

depredations of the storm 暴风雨的蹂躏.


/ dI5pres; dI`prZs/ v [Tn] 1 make (sb) sad and

without enthusiasm 使(某人)忧愁, 消沉, 沮

丧: Wet weather always depresses me. 我在阴

雨天总是心灰意懒. 2 press, push or pull (sth)

down 将(某物)压下, 推下, 拉下: depress a

lever, a piano key, a button, etc 压杠杆、 按钢

琴键、 按钮. 3 make (esp trade) less active 使

(尤指贸易)不活跃, 不景气, 萧条: depress a

market 使市场萧条 *| depress sales 使销售额

下降 *| A rise in oil prices depresses the car

market. 油价上涨导致汽车市场不景气.


/ -Ent; -nt/ n, adj (substance) that reduces

mental or physical activity 抑制(脑力或体力活

动)的(药物): a depressant drug 抑制药.


adj sad and without enthusiasm 忧愁的; 消沉

的 ; 沮 丧 的 : depressed about the election

results 因选举结果而垂头丧气.


adj making one feel depressed 令人忧愁的; 使

人沮丧的: a depressing sight, prospect, film 令

人沮丧的景象、 前景、 影片. depressingly adv:

The crime rate is depressingly high. 犯罪率太

高, 令人忧心忡忡.

depressed area

part of a country where there is little economic

activity (resulting in poverty and

unemployment) (一国的)经济萧条地区.


/ dI5preFn; dI`prZFEn/ n 1 [U] being depressed; low spirits 忧愁; 沮丧; 消沉: He committed suicide during a fit of depression. 他一时想不开, 自杀了. 2 [C] hollow sunken place in the surface of sth, esp the ground; dip 凹陷处; (尤指)洼地, 坑: depressions on the face of the moon 月球表面的凹陷处 *| The soldiers hid from the enemy in a slight depression. 士兵们隐藏在低洼处, 躲过了敌人. 3 [C] period when there is little economic activity, and usu poverty and unemployment 经济萧条期. 4 [C] (a) (winds caused by a) lowering of atmospheric pressure 气压降低(形成的气流). (b) area where this happens 低气压区: a depression over Iceland 冰岛上空的低气压区. Cf 参看 anticyclone.


/ dI5presIv; dI`prZsIv/ adj 1 tending to depress; of depression 忧愁的; 压抑的; 沮丧的; 抑郁的: a depressive drug, illness 易产生抑郁的药物、 疾病. 2 intended to reduce trading activity 为减少贸易活动的: a depressive financial policy 为抑制贸易活动而采取的金融方针.


n person who often suffers from depression(1) 经常忧愁、 沮丧、 消沉的人.

depressurize, depressurise

/ 9di:5preFEraIz; di`prZFE9raIz/ v [Tn] reduce the pressure of air or gas in (a vessel, cabin, etc) 减低, 降低(容器、 舱室等)的气压.

depressurization, depressurisation n [U].


/ dI5praIv; dI`praIv/ v [Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth of sth take sth away from sb/sth; prevent sb/sth from enjoying or using sth 剥夺某人[某事物]的某事物; 阻止某人[某事物]享有或使用某事物: deprived of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权 *| trees that deprive a house of light 遮住房中光线的树*| (joc 谑 ) Are you depriving us of your company (ie leaving us)? 你要舍我们而去吗?


/ 9deprI5veIFn; 9dZprI`veFEn/ n 1 [U] (a) depriving or being deprived 剥 夺 : suffer deprivation of one's rights as a citizen 公民权遭到剥夺. (b) state of not having the normal benefits of adequate food, etc; poverty 贫 乏 ; 穷 困 : widespread deprivation caused by unemployment 由失业造成的普遍贫困现象. 2 [C] thing of which one is deprived 被剥夺的事物; 丧失的事物: Missing the holiday was a great 737deprivation. 错过假日是极大的损失.


adj without the normal benefits of adequate

food, housing, health care, etc 贫困的; 穷苦的:

a deprived childhood, background, area 贫苦

的童年、 出身、 地区 *| The poorest and most

deprived people will receive special

government help. 最穷的、 生活条件最差的人可



abbr 缩写 = Department(1): Linguistics Dept, eg of a university 语言学系(如大学的).


/ depW; dZpW/ n 1 [C, U] (a) distance from the top

down 深, 深度(从上至下的距离): the depth of

the well, mine, box, trunk 井、 矿井、 盒、 行

李箱的深度 *| Water was found at a depth of

30 ft. 在 30 英尺深处找到了水. *| At what depth

does the wreck lie? 沉船位置的深度是多少?

=>illus at dimension 见 dimension 之插图. (b)

distance from the front to the back 宽, 宽度

(从前至後的距离): shelves with a depth of 8

ins 8 英寸宽的搁板. (c) distance from the

surface inwards 深, 深度(从表面向内部的距离):

the depth of a wound, crack, etc 伤口、 裂缝等

的深度. 2 [C, U] (a) (of colours, darkness, etc)

intensity (指颜色、 黑暗等)浓度, 强度. (b) (of

sounds) lowness in pitch (指声音)低沉. 3 [U]

(a) (of feelings, etc) sincerity; intensity (指感情

等)诚挚, 真诚, 强烈: the depth of her love 她爱

情的真挚. (b) ability to understand or explain

difficult ideas 领悟或解释深奥意念的能力: a

writer of great depth and wisdom 极具领悟力和

智慧的作家. (c) having or showing this ability

上述能力的体现: a novel that lacks depth 缺乏

深度的小说. 4 (idm 习语) ,in `depth thoroughly

完全地; 彻底地; 深入地: to study a subject in

depth 深 入 研 究 一 科 目 *| [attrib 作 定 语 ]

an ,in-depth `study 深入的研究. in the ~(s) of

sth when or where sth is deepest, most severe, etc 在最深处; 在最严峻的时刻: in the depth of

winter 在隆冬 *| in the depths of despair 在绝

望的深渊 *| in the depth of the country, ie a

long way from a town 在偏远的乡村. (be/get)

out of one's depth (a) (be/go) in water too deep

to stand in 在深得不能站立的水中: If you can't

swim, don't get out of your depth. 不会游泳就

不 要 到 水 深 没 顶 的 地 方 去 . (b) (be/become)

unable to understand a subject or topic 不能

理解: When they start talking about economics, I'm out of my depth. 他们一谈起经济学, 我就一窍不通了. plumb the depths of sth => plumb.

depth charge

bomb used against submarines that explodes under water 深水炸弹. Cf 参看 mine2.


/ 9depjU5teIFn; 9dZpjE`teFEn/ n [CGp] group of people given the right to act or speak for others 代表团.


/ dI5pju:t; dI`pjut/ v (fml 文) 1 [Dn.pr] ~ sth to sb give (one's work, authority, etc) to sb else 将(工作、 职权等)交予某人: He deputed the running of the department to an assistant. 他把部门的管理工作委托给助手了. 2 [Dn.t] give (sb else) authority to act or speak on one's behalf 给予(某人)代表行事或发言之权: They were deputed to put our views to the assembly. 他们代表我们向议会表达我们的观点.

deputize, deputise

/ 5depjUtaIz; `dZpjE9taIz/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (for sb) act or speak on sb's behalf 代表某人行事或说话: Dr Mitchell's ill so I'm deputizing (for her). 米切尔博士病了, 所以我做代理(她的)工作.


/ 5depjUtI; `dZpjEtI/ n 1 person who is given work, authority, etc (eg during sb's absence) 代理人; 代表: I'm acting as deputy till the headmaster returns. 我在校长回来前代行他的职务. 2 person who is immediately below the head of a business, school, etc (企业、 学校等领导人的)副手: the Director General and his deputy 董事长 及 其 副 手 *| [attrib 作 定 语 ] the deputy headmistress 女副校长. 3 (in some countries, eg France) member of a legislative assembly (某些国家中, 如法国的)议员.


/ dI5reIl; dI`rel/ v [Tn] cause (a train, etc) to go off the rails 使(火车等)脱轨: The engine was derailed by a tree lying across the line. 有一棵树横在铁轨上, 造成机车出轨.




/ dI5reIndVd; dI`rendVd/ adj unable to act and think normally, esp because of mental illness; seriously disturbed 精神错乱的; (尤指)有精神病的; 精神失常的: She's completely deranged. 她完全精神错乱了. *| a deranged attacker, mind, laugh 疯狂的攻击者、 失常的心态、 狂笑. 738derangement

n [U].


/ 5dB:bI; ?@ 5d:rbI; `d[bI/ n 1 the Derby [sing] annual horse race at Epsom, England 德比马赛(英国埃普瑟姆一年一度的马赛). 2 [C] (US) any of several annual horse races (每年举行的任何的)马赛. 3 [C] any important sporting contest (任何重要的)运动比赛: a local derby, ie between local teams 本地的运动比赛.

Derby Day

day when the Derby is run (in June) (英国埃普瑟姆一年一度的)马赛日(在六月份).


/ 5d:rbI; `d[bI/ n (US) = bowler2.


/ 9di:5regjUleIt; di`rZ^jE9let/ v [Tn] remove the regulations from (sth) 撤销对(某事物)的规定、管制: deregulate the price of oil 撤销对石油价格的管制.


n [U].


/ 5derElIkt; `dZrE9lIkt/ adj deserted and allowed to fall into ruins; dilapidated 弃置的; 破旧的; 坍塌的: a derelict house 弃置的房屋 *| derelict areas 离弃的地区.


/ 9derE5lIkFn; 9dZrE`lIkFEn/ n 1 [U] being derelict 遗弃; 弃置: a house in a state of dereliction 弃置的房屋. 2 (idm 习语) ,dereliction of `duty (fml 文) (deliberate) failure to do what one ought to do 失职: be guilty of a serious dereliction of duty 犯严重失职罪.


/ 9di:rI5strIkt; 9dirI`strIkt/ v [Tn] remove a restriction, esp a speed limit, from (sth) 取消对(某事 物)的限制(尤指车速): derestrict a road 取消对一公路的速度限制.


/ dI5raId; dI`raId/ v [Tn, Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth (as sth) treat sb/sth as funny and not worthy of serious attention; mock sb/sth 嘲笑; 嘲弄:

They derided his efforts (as childish). 他们嘲笑他的做法(很幼稚).


/ dI5rIVn; dI`rIVEn/ n [U] ridicule or mockery 嘲笑; 嘲弄; 笑柄: be an object of general derision, ie be derided by everybody 是大家嘲弄的对象 *|Her naive attitude provoked their derision. 她那天真的态度受到他们嘲笑.


/ dI5raIsIv; dI`raIsIv/ adj showing ridicule or mockery 嘲笑的; 嘲弄的: derisive laughter, booing, etc 嘲弄的笑声、 嘘声等.




/ dI5raIsErI; dI`raIsErI/ adj 1 so small or unimportant that it is not worth considering seriously 不值一哂的: a derisory offer, eg 100 for a car that is worth 1000 低得可笑的出价(如对价值 1000 英镑的汽车, 出价 100 英镑). 2 = derisive.


/ 9derI5veIFn; 9dZrE`veFEn/ n 1 [U] development or origin (esp of words) 发展; 起源; (尤指词语的)派生: the derivation of words from Latin 词语自拉丁文的派生 *| a word of French derivation 由 法 语 派 生 的 词 . 2 [C] (a) first form and meaning of a word 词源. (b) later change of form and meaning 派生的词形和词义: give the derivations of words 指出词语的派生词形和词义.


/ dI5rIvEtIv; dE`rIvEtIv/ adj (usu derog 通常作贬义) derived from sth else; not original 由他事物演变的; 非独创的: a derivative design, style, etc 蹈袭前人的设计、 式样等.


n derived word or thing 派 生 词 ; 衍 生 物 : `Assertion' is a derivative of `assert'. assertion是 assert 的派生词.


/ dI5raIv; dE`raIv/ v 1 [Tn.pr] ~ sth from sth (fml 文) obtain sth from sth; get sth from sth 得到; 获取: derive great pleasure from one's studies 从 学 习 中 获 得 极 大 乐 趣 *| She derived no benefit from the course of drugs. 她用药经此疗程後并无好转. 2 (a) [Ipr] ~ from sth have sth as a starting-point, source or origin; originate from sth 源自; 源於: Thousands of English words derive from Latin. 英语中有成千上万的词源自拉丁文. (b) [Tn.pr] ~ sth from sth trace sth from (a source) 对某事物追本穷源: We can derive the word `derelict' from the Latin `derelictus'. derelict 这一词的起源可以追溯到拉丁文的 derelictus.

derm(a)- comb form 构 词 成 分 of skin 皮 肤 的 : dermatology *| dermatitis.


739/ 9d:mE5taItIs; 9d[mE`taItIs/ n [U] (medical 医)

inflammation of the skin 皮炎.


/ 9d:mE5tClEdVI; 9d[mE`tBlEdVI/ n [U] medical study of the skin and its diseases, etc 皮肤学; 皮肤病学.


/ 9d:mE5tClEdVIst; 9d[mE`tBlEdVIst/ n expert in dermatology 皮肤学专家; 皮肤病专家.


/ 5d:mIs; `d[mIs/ n (anatomy 解) layer of skin below the epidermis 真皮(表皮下面的皮层).


/ 5derEgeIt; `dZrE9^et/ v [Ipr] ~ from sth (fml 文) cause sth to seem inferior; detract from sth 贬低; 减损; 毁损: remarks derogating from her merits, qualities, virtues, etc 贬低她的优点、 品质、 美德等的言语.


/ dI5rCgEtrI; ?@ -tR:rI; dI`rB^E9tRrI/ adj (abbr derog in this dictionary 本词典缩写作 derog) showing a hostile or critical attitude (to sb's reputation, etc); insulting 贬低的; 毁损的; 贬抑的; 侮辱的:

The word `pig' is a derogatory term for policeman. pig 是个侮辱警察的词. *| remarks that were highly derogatory 极伤人的言语.


/ 5derIk; `dZrIk/ n 1 large crane for moving or lifting heavy weights, esp on a ship 转臂起重机; (尤指轮船上的)桅杆起重机. 2 framework over an oil well or borehole, to hold the drilling machinery, etc 井架; 钻塔. Cf 参看 oil rig (oil).


/ 9derIN5du:; `dZrIN`du/ n [U] (arch or joc 古或谑) heroic deeds 英 勇 事 迹 : stirring tales of derring-do 讲述英勇事迹的激动人心的故事.


/ d:v; d[v/ n [U] (Brit) fuel oil for diesel engines (from diesel-engined road vehicle) 柴油机燃油(由 diesel-engined road vehicle 四词的首字母组成).


/ 5d:vIF; `d[vIF/ n member of a Muslim religious order (伊斯兰教的)苦行僧人: dancing dervishes, ie those who take part in whirling dances 跳旋转舞蹈的苦行僧人.


/ 9di: i: 5es; 9di i `Zs/ abbr 缩 写 = (Brit) Department of Education and Science 教育暨科学部: DES grants 教育暨科学部拨款.


/ 9di:5sAlIneIt; di`sAlE9net/ v [Tn] remove salt from (esp sea-water) 从(尤指海水)中除去盐分; 使脱盐.


/ 9di:9slI5neIFn; 9disAlE`neFEn/ n [U].


/ 9di:5skeIl; di`skel/ v [Tn] remove scale1(3) from (eg the inside of boilers and kettles) 从(如锅炉和水壶的内壁)上除去水垢, 水锈.


/ 5deskAnt; `dZskAnt/ n (music 音 ) treble accompaniment (often improvised) which is sung or played to a melody 高音部伴奏或伴唱(常为即兴的).


v / dI5sknt; dI`skAnt/ [Ipr] ~ on/upon sth 1 (music 音) sing or play a descant on sth 为某乐曲作高音伴奏或伴唱. 2 (fml 文) talk for a long time about sth; comment on sth 长时间谈论某事; 评论某物: descant endlessly on the Government's failings 无尽无休地谈论政府的过失.


/ dI5send; dI`sZnd/ v 1 (fml 文) (a) [I, Tn] come or go down (sth) 下来; 下去; 下降: The balloon descended gradually as the air came out. 气球空气外逸而缓缓下降. *| She descended the stairs. 她走下楼梯. (b) [I] (of a hill, etc) lead downwards; slope (指山等)下倾, 下斜: We turned the corner and saw that the road descended steeply. 我们转过弯, 看到路陡然下倾. 2 [Ipr] ~ from sb (of properties, qualities, rights) pass from father to son; be inherited by sb from sb (指财产、 气质、 权利)由父传子, 从某人处继承, 传下, 遗传: The title descends to me from my father. 这个头衔是由我父亲传给我的. 3 [I] (fml 文) (of night, darkness) fall (指夜、黑暗)降临: Night descends quickly in the tropics. 热带地区黑夜来得很快. 4 (idm 习语) be descended from sb have sb as an ancestor 为某人的後裔: She claims to be descended from royalty. 她声称她是皇室後裔. 5 (phr v) descend on/upon sb/sth (a) attack sb/sth suddenly 袭击某人[某物]: The police descended on their hide-out. 警察突袭了他们的藏身处. (b) visit sb/sth unexpectedly or inconveniently 出乎意料地或不合时宜地去见某人[来到某处]: My sister's family is descending on us this weekend. 想不到我姐姐一家本周末要到我们这里来. descend to sth (no passive 不用於被动语态) do or say sth that is mean and unworthy of one; stoop to sth 740做或说卑鄙无耻的事; 降低身分或人格做某事:

descend to fraud, abuse, bad language 堕落到去欺诈、 辱骂、 使用下流语言.


/ -Ent; -Ent/ n person descended from another 後代; 後裔: the descendants of Queen Victoria 维多利亚女王的後裔. Cf 参看 ancestor 1.


/ dI5sent; dI`sZnt/ n 1 (a) [C usu sing 通常作单数] coming or going down 下来; 下去: The plane began its descent into Paris. 飞机到巴黎开始降落. (b) [C] slope 斜坡: Here there is a gradual descent to the sea. 这里有个通向海的缓坡. 2 [U] origins; ancestry 出身; 血统; 祖先; 祖籍: of French descent, ie having French ancestors 祖籍法国 *| He traces his descent from the Stuart kings. 他的祖先可追溯至斯图亚特国王. 3 [C] ~(on/upon sb/sth) (fig 比喻) (a) attack 攻击; 袭击: the invaders' descent on the town 入侵者对该城的攻击. (b) unexpected or inconvenient visit 出乎意料的或不合时宜的到访: a sudden descent by tax officials 税务官员之突然到来. 4 [sing] change to behaviour that is low and unworthy 堕落: a sharp descent to violent abuse 突然粗俗得破口大骂.


/ dI5skraIb; dI`skraIb/ v 1 [Tn, Tw, Cn.n/a, Dn.pr, Dpr.w] ~ sb/sth (to/for sb); ~ sb/sth as sth say what sb/sth is like; depict sth in words 描述 某 人 [ 某 事 物 ]; 叙 述 某 事 物 ; 形 容 : Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene. 那景色之美难以言传. *| Describe (to me) how you were received. (跟我)说说接待你的情况. *| She described it as red with pink frills. 她将之描述为红色的带有粉红色饰边. 2 [Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth as sth state sb/sth to be sth; call 叫做; 称做: I hesitate to describe him as really clever. 我很难说他真聪明. *| He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生. 3 [Tn] (a) draw (esp a geometrical figure) 画(尤指几何图形): describe a circle with a pair of compasses 用圆规画圆. (b) move along (a line, curve, etc) 沿(直线、 曲线等)移动: A bullet describes a curved path in the air. 子弹在空中作曲线运动.


/ dI5skrIpFn; dI`skrIpFEn/ n 1 (a) [U] saying in words what sb/sth is like 对某人[某事物]的描述 、 叙 述 、 形 容 : He's not very good at description. 他 不 大 擅 长 描 写 叙 述 . *| The

scenery was beautiful beyond description. 那风景美丽得难以形容. (b) [C] picture in words 描绘: Can you give me a description of the thief? 你能给我形容一下那个窃贼的模样吗? 2 (preceded by of and an adj or some, every, etc 用於 of 和形容词或 some、 every 等之後) (infml 口) type; sort 类型; 种类: boats of every description 各种类型的船 *| a house of some description 某种 类 型 的 房 子 *| wearing a dress of no particular description, ie a very ordinary dress 穿著很普通的连衣裙 *| medals, coins and things of that description 那一类的纪念章、 硬币、 东西. 3 (idm 习语) answer to a description => answer2. beggar description => beggar.


/ dI5skrIptIv; dI`skrIptIv/ adj 1 (a) giving a picture in words 描述的; 描写的: a descriptive passage in a novel 小说中的一段描写. (b) describing sth with skill 精 於 描 述 的 : a very descriptive account of a journey 对旅程十分生动的叙述 *|The report was so descriptive, I felt as if I were there. 这报道写得活色生香, 我也宛如身临其境. 2 (grammar) describing how language is actually used, without giving rules for how it ought to be used 描写语言的(描述语言的使用实况而不规定使用规则的).




n [U].


/ dI5skraI; dI`skraI/ v (pt, pp descried) [Tn] (fml 文) see (sth) esp a long way away; catch sight of 看见(某物)(尤指从远处); 望见: I descry a sail on the horizon. 我看见在天水交接处的轮船.


/ 5desIkreIt; `dZsI9kret/ n [Tn] treat (a sacred thing or place) in an unworthy or evil way 亵渎(圣物 或 圣 地 ) : desecrate a grave, chapel, monument, etc 亵渎坟墓、 小教堂、 纪念碑等.


/ 9desI5kreIFn; 9dZsI`kreFEn/ n [U] desecrating or being desecrated 亵渎.


/ 9di:5segrIgeIt; di`sZ^rI^et/ v [Tn] end racial segregation in (sth) 废除(某事物)的种族隔离: desegregate schools, buses 废除学校里、 公共汽车里的种族隔离.


/ 9di:9segrI5geIFn; di9sZ^rI`^eFEn/ n [U].


741/ 9di:sI5lekt; 9disE`lZkt/ v [Tn] (Brit) (of a local

constituency party) reject (the existing Member of Parliament) as a candidate at a forthcoming election (指地方选区政党)否决(现任议员)作下届候选人.


n [U].

desensitize, desensitise

/ 9di:5sensItaIz; di`sZnsE9taIz/ v [Tn] make (a patient, nerve, etc) insensitive or less sensitive to light, pain, etc 使(病人、 神经等)对光、 疼痛等无感觉或不敏感; 使脱敏: desensitize an area of skin 使一块皮肤脱敏 *| (fig 比喻) people who are morally desensitized 道德观念不强的人.

desensitization, desensitisation

/ 9di:9sensItaI5zeIFn; ?@ -tE5z-; 9disZnsEtE`zeFEn/ n [U].


/ dI5z:t; dI`z[t/ v 1 [Tn] (a) go away from (a place) without intending ever to return 离弃(一地方); 放弃; 遗弃: desert a house, city, etc 离弃一所房屋 、 一 座城 市 等 *| The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area. 全村人都匆匆逃走了, 或许因为该地区有恐怖分子. (b) leave (sb) without help or support; abandon 离 弃(某人 ) ; 抛弃 : He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. 他抛弃了妻子儿女, 出国去了. *| He has become so rude that his friends are deserting him. 他变得十分粗野, 朋友们都不和他来往了. 2 [I, Ipr, Tn] leave (esp service in the armed forces, or a ship) without authority or permission; run away 擅自离开(尤指军中或船上的职守); 逃跑; 潜逃: A soldier who deserts (his post) in time of war is punished severely. 战争期间开小差的士兵要受到严惩. *| desert from the army 开小差. 3 [Tn] fail (sb) when needed 在关键时使(某人)失望: His courage/presence of mind deserted him. 他丧失了勇气[再不能镇定自若].


adj (a) with no one present 无人的: a deserted street, area, etc 空无一人的街道、 地区等 *|The office was quite deserted. 这个办公室里没有人. (b) abandoned 被离弃的; 被遗弃的; 被抛弃的: a deserted hut, house, etc 被离弃的小屋、房 子 等 *| a deserted wife, ie one whose husband has left her 遭遗弃的妻子.


n person who deserts (desert1 2) 擅离职守者; 开小差者; 潜逃者.


/ dI5z:Fn; dI`z[FEn/ n [C, U] (instance of) deserting or being deserted 离弃; 遗弃; 抛弃; 开小差: Is desertion grounds for divorce? 被配偶遗弃是离婚的理由吗? *| Desertion from the army is punishable by death. 开小差可处死刑.


/ 5dezEt; `dZzLt/ n [C, U] (large area of) barren land, with very little water and vegetation, often sand-covered 沙漠; 荒漠; 荒原: Vast areas of land have become desert. 广大的地区均已变成沙漠. *| the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 *| [attrib 作定语] desert wastes, sands, etc 不毛的荒地、 沙漠等.

desert island

uninhabited island (esp in the tropics) 无人居住的岛(尤指热带地区的).


/ dI5z:ts; dI`z[ts/ n [pl] what one deserves 应得到的事物: be rewarded/punished according to one's deserts 受到应得的奖赏[惩罚] *| get/meet with one's just deserts 得到应得的奖赏或惩罚.


/ dI5z:v; dI`z[v/ v (not used in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) 1 [Tn, Tt] be sth or have done sth for which one should receive (a reward, special treatment, etc); be entitled to; merit 应受(奖赏、特殊待遇等); 应得; 值得: The article deserves careful study. 这篇文章值得仔细研究. *| She deserves a reward for her efforts. 她积极努力, 应得到奖赏. *| He richly deserved all that happened to him. 他得到这一切确是受之无愧. *| They deserve to be sent to prison. 他们应该入狱. *| much deserved praise 受之无愧的赞扬. 2 (idm 习语) deserve well/ill of sb (fml 文) be worthy of good/bad treatment by sb 应该受到某人好的[坏的]待遇: She deserves well of her employers. 她应当受到雇主善待. one good turn deserves another => turn2.


/ dI5z:vIdlI; dI`z[vIdlI/ adv according to what is deserved; justly; rightly 应得地; 理所当然地; 恰如其分地: She was deservedly praised. 她受到了应得的表扬.


/ dI5z:vIN; dI`z[vIN/ adj ~ (of sth) worthy of help, praise, a reward, etc (帮助、 赞扬、 奖励等)应得的, 值得的: give money to a deserving cause 把钱捐给值得赞助的事业 *| be deserving of sympathy 值得同情的 *| a very deserving case, eg sb who used to be generous and now 742needs help 很值得帮助的人.


/ 9deIzA5bi:eI; 9dZzE`bil/ n [U] (French 法) state of

being only partly dressed 衣著仅部分遮体:

appear in deshabille 出现时衣著随便.


/ 5desIkEnt; `dZsEkEnt/ n substance that absorbs

moisture, and is often used to keep food in

good condition 乾燥剂.


/ 5desIkeIt; `dZsE9ket/ v [Tn] remove all the

moisture from (esp solid food) to preserve it 除

去 ( 尤指 食 物的 ) 水分 ; 使 脱 水 : desiccated

fruit/coconut 水果[椰子]乾.


/ dI9zIdE5rB:tEm; dI9zIdE`rBtEm/ n (pl -rata/ -5rB:tE;

-`rBtE/) (fml 文) thing that is lacking and needed

需 要 的 东 西 : The report on the hospital

mentions such desiderata as a supply of clean

laundry. 报告中提到该医院需要乾净的洗换物品.


/ dI5zaIn; dI`zaIn/ n 1 (a) [C] ~ (for sth) drawing or

outline from which sth may be made 图样; 设

计图: designs for a dress, a garden, an aircraft

连衣裙、 花园、 飞机的设计图. (b) [U] art of

making such drawings, etc 设计术; 制图术:

study textile design 学 习 纺 织 品 设 计 术 *|

industrial design 工 业 设 计 . 2 [U] general

arrangement or planning (of a building, book, machine, picture, etc) (建筑物、 书、 机器、 画

等的)设计, 布局: The building seats 2000

people, but is of poor design. 这座建筑物可容纳

2000 人, 但设计很差. *| A machine of faulty

design will not sell well. 设计不良的机器销路不

会好. 3 [C] arrangement of lines, shapes or

figures as decoration on a carpet, vase, etc;

pattern (地毯、 花瓶等上的)装饰图案; 图案: a

bowl with a flower design 有花卉图案的碗. 4 [U, C] purpose; intention 目的; 打算; 意向: We

don't know if it was done by accident or by

design, ie deliberately. 我们不知道那是偶然的还

是故意的. *| His evil designs were frustrated.

他的罪恶企图未能得逞. 5 (idm 习语 ) have

designs on sb/sth intend to harm sb/sth or

take sb/sth for oneself 企图伤害某人[某事物];

企图将某人[某事物]据为己有: She has designs on

his money. 她觊觎他的钱财. *| He has designs

on her, eg wants to seduce her. 他对她存心不良



v 1 (a) [I, Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (for sb/sth) decide how sth will look, work, etc, esp by making plans, drawings or models of it 设计; 制图: Do the Italians really design better than we do? 意大利人真比我们会设计吗? *| design a car, a dress, a tool, an office 设计汽车、连衣裙、工具、 办公室 *| They've designed us a superb studio. 他们给我们设计了一个极好的工作室. *|We design kitchens for today's cooks. 我们为当今一代的厨师设计厨房. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] think of and plan (a system, procedure, etc); devise 想出, 计划(一系统、 步骤等); 谋划: Can anyone design a better timetable? 有人能定出更好的时间表吗? *| We shall have to design a new curriculum for the third year. 我们得设计出三年级的新课程. 2 (idm 习语) be designed for sb/sth; be designed as sth; be designed to do sth be made or planned for a particular purpose or use 为某目的或用途而制造或计划:

The gloves were designed for extremely cold climates. 这些手套是为严寒地区制造的. *| This course is designed as an introduction to the subject. 这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开设的.

*| The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion. 这条路是为缓解交通拥挤而开辟的.


/ -IdlI; -IdlI/ advintentionally; on purpose 有意地; 蓄意地; 故意地. designing n [U] art of making designs (for machinery, dresses, etc) (机械、 服装等的)设计术.


/ 5dezIgneIt, -nEt; `dZzI^net, -nEt/ adj (following ns 用於名词之後) appointed to a job (but not yet having officially started it) 已受委任(而尚未上任)的: the editor, director, archbishop, etc designate 已受委任的编辑、 董事、 大主教等.


/ 5dezIgneIt; `dZzI^9net/ v 1 [Tn] mark or point out (sth) clearly 清 楚 地标 出 或 指 出( 某 事 物 ) : designate the boundaries of sth 标出某事物的分界线. 2 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Cn.n, Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth (as) sth (fml 文) (a) choose sb/sth for a special purpose 为某目的选择某人[某事物]: The town has been designated (as) a development area. 该城已被定为开发区. (b) give a particular name, title or position to sb 给某人 某 名 称 、 称 号 、 职 务 或 地 位 : She was designated (as) sportswoman of the year. 她被命名为本年度的体坛明星. *| The chairman has designated Christina as his successor. 主席已 743指定克里斯蒂娜作他的继任人.


/ 9dezIg5neIFn; 9dZzI^`neFEn/ n (fml 文) 1 [U] ~ (as

sth) appointing of sb to an office 任命; 委派. 2

[C] name, title or description 名称; 称号; 称呼:

His official designation is Financial Controller.



/ dI5zaInE(r); dI`zaInL/ n person whose job is

designing (eg machinery, furniture, fashionable clothes) 设计者(如机器、 家具、 时

装的设计人): an industrial designer 工业设计师

*| dressed by a leading New York designer 穿

著纽约主要设计师设计的服装 *| [attrib 作定语]

designer jeans 标有设计师姓名的牛仔裤 *| (joc

谑) designer stubble, ie an unshaven look

deliberately cultivated for effect (讲派头而不刮



/ dI5zaInIN; dI`zaInIN/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]

(derog 贬) wanting to carry out one's own

secret plans; cunning 别有用心的; 狡猾的:

Designing colleagues stopped them from

promoting me. 有些别有用心的同事阻止他们提



/ dI5zaIErEbl; dI`zaIrEbl/ adj 1 ~ (that...) worth

having; to be wished for 值得有的; 想望的; 称

心的; 合意的: a desirable residence, solution

称心的住所、 解决方法 *| It is most desirable

that they should both come. 他们两人都来, 这

最好不过了. 2 (of a person) arousing sexual

desire (指人)引起性欲的, 性感的: a very

desirable woman 非常性感的女子.


/ dI9zaIErE5bIlEtI; dI9zaIrE`bIlEtI/ n [U].


/ -rEblI; -rEblI/ adv.


/ dI5zaIE(r); dI`zaIr/ n 1 (a) [U] ~ (for sth/to do sth)

strong sexual longing 性欲; 情欲; 肉欲: my

desire for her/to make love with her 我对她的

强烈的情欲[与她做爱的强烈欲望]. (b) [C] instance

of this 性欲; 情欲; 肉欲: passionate, intense, strong, etc desires 热切的、 极大的、 强烈的...

性欲 *| satisfy one's desires 满足性欲. 2 (a) [U]

~ (for sth/to do sth) longing; craving 渴望; 欲

望 ; 渴 求 ; 热 望 : They had little desire for

wealth/to get rich. 他们对财富[致富]无大欲望.

*| his country's desire for friendly relations/to

establish friendly relations 他们国家对友好关系[建立友好关系]的热望. (b) [C] instance of this; wish 渴望; 欲望; 渴求; 热望: enough to satisfy all your desires 完全能满足你所有的愿望. 3 [C] person or thing that is wished for 想望的人或物: She is my heart's desire. 她是我心上人.


/ dI5zaIE(r); dI`zaIr/ v 1 (a) [Tn, Tf, Tt, Tnt] (fml 文) wish for (sth); want 希望得到(某事物); 想要: We all desire happiness and health. 我们都希望幸福和健康. *| Our holiday was all that could be desired, ie was entirely satisfactory. 我们的假日称心如意. *| She desires you to come/that you come at once. 她希望你立即来. *| I have long desired to meet them. 我一直渴望见到他们. (b) [Tn] be sexually attracted to (sb) 被(某异性)吸引: She desires his young, strong body. 他年轻强壮的身体使她春心荡漾. 2 (idm 习语) leave a lot, etc to be desired => leave1.


/ dI5zaIErEs; dI`zaIrEs/ adj [pred 作 表 语 ] ~ of sth/doing sth; ~ that... (fml or rhet 文或修辞) having a wish for (sth); wanting 希望; 渴望: desirous of peace 渴望和平 *| desirous of restoring relations between our two countries 渴望恢复我们两国之间的关系 *| desirous that these initiatives should lead to further exchanges 希望这些主动的行动能促进交流.


/ dI5zIst; dI`zIst/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (from sth/doing sth) (fml 文) stop sth/doing sth; cease 停止某事物[不再做某事物]; 停止; 结束: I wish he'd desist from entertaining his friends at all hours of the day and night. 但愿他别再昼夜不分地招待他的朋友.


/ desk; dZsk/ n 1 piece of furniture with a flat or sloping top, often with drawers, at which one can read, write or do business 书桌; 办公桌:

an office desk 办公桌 *| children seated at their desks 坐在各自书桌前的儿童 *| [attrib 作定语] a desk job 办公室的工作. =>illus at App 1 见附录 1 之插图, page xvi. 2 table or counter in a public building behind which a receptionist, cashier, etc works (接待员、 出纳员等的)桌子, 柜台: an enquiry/information desk 问询处[问讯处] *| leave a message at the desk of the hotel 在旅馆的服务处留言. 3 office, eg in a newspaper or ministry, that handles a particular matter 办事处(如报社或政府部门的); 部; 司; 组: 744Jefferies is running the sports desk. 杰弗里斯


desk clerk

(US) = clerk 3.


/ -tCp; -9tBp/ n top of a desk 桌面: [attrib 作定语] a desk-top computer, ie one that fits on a desk 台 式 计 算 机 *| [attrib 作 定 语 ] desk-top publishing, ie using a microcomputer and (esp a laser) printer to produce high-quality printed material 桌面出版(使用微型计算机和印字机, 尤指激光印字机印刷的).


/ 5desElEt; `dZsElEt/ adj 1 (of a place) deserted and miserable (指地方)无人烟的, 荒凉的, 荒芜的: a desolate industrial landscape 工业废墟 *| a desolate, windswept moorland area 荒凉的、受强风吹袭的高沼地区. 2 miserable and without friends; lonely and sad 凄凉而无友的; 孤凄的: a desolate person, life, existence 孤独而凄凉的人、 生活、 生活情况 *| We all felt absolutely desolate when she left. 她走後, 我们都觉得万分孤寂.


/ 5desEleIt; `dZsE9let/ v [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] 1 leave (a place) ruined and deserted 使(某处)沦为废墟; 使荒凉: a city desolated by civil strife 遭内乱破坏的城市. 2 make (sb) sad and hopeless 使(某人)悲伤绝望: a family desolated by the loss of a child 因失去孩子而悲痛欲绝的一家人.




/ 9desE5leIFn; 9dZsE`leFEn/ n [U]

desolating or being desolated

(desolate v 1) 遗弃; 荒凉; 破坏: the desolation caused by war 战争造成的满目疮痍. 2 misery; loneliness 凄凉; 孤寂: her utter desolation when she heard the bad news 她听到那坏消息时极度悲伤.


/ dI5speE(r); dI`spZr/ n 1 [U] state of having lost all hope 失去一切希望; 绝望: Your stupidity will drive me to (ie make me feel) despair. 你愚蠢得使我寒心. *| He gave up the struggle in despair. 他绝望地放弃了斗争. *| She was overcome by despair. 她已完全绝望. *| his despair of ever seeing his family again 他再也见不到他家里人的绝望心情. 2 (idm 习语) be the despair of sb

make sb give up hope 使某人放弃希望: Your son is the despair of all his teachers, ie They no longer expect to be able to teach him anything. 你的儿子在所有教师的心目中已毫无希望了.


v [I, Ipr] ~ (of sb/sth) (fml 文) have lost all hope (esp that sb/sth will improve) 失去全部希望; 绝望: We've despair of him; he can't keep a job for more than six months. 我们对他已经绝望了, 他做什麽工作都不能超过半年.


/ dI5speErIN; dI`spZrIN/ adj showing despair 表现绝望的; 绝望的: a despairing look/gesture 绝望的神色[姿态].


adv: look despairingly at the judge 绝望地看著法官.


/ dI5spAtF; dI`spAtF/ n, v = dispatch.


/ 9despE5rB:dEU; 9dZspE`rBdo/ n (pl ~es; US also ~s) (dated 旧) man who commits dangerous, esp criminal, acts without worrying about himself or other people 亡 命 之 徒 ; 暴 徒 : the desperadoes who robbed the mail-train 抢劫邮车的亡命徒.


/ 5despErEt; `dZspErEt/ adj 1 feeling or showing great despair and ready to do anything regardless of danger 感到绝望而不惜冒险的; 拚命的; 不顾一切的: The prisoners grew more desperate. 囚徒们在绝望中更加不顾死活了. *|She wrote me a desperate letter. 她给我写了一封信表示因绝望而不惜孤注一掷. 2 [attrib 作定语] violent and sometimes against the law 凶暴的; 犯法的: a desperate criminal, act, robbery 无法无天的罪犯、 行为、 抢劫. 3 [usu pred 通常作表语] ~ (for sth/to do sth) in great need (of sth/to do sth) 极需要(某事物[做某事]): They're desperate for money. 他们极需钱. *| (infml 口) Have you got some water? I'm desperate (for a drink). 你有水吗? 我很想喝(一点). *| I'm desperate to see her. 我 很 想 见 到 她 . 4 extremely serious or dangerous 极严重的; 极危险的: a desperate situation, shortage, illness 危局、 奇缺、 重病 *| The state of the country is desperate. 该国局势危殆. 5 [usu attrib 通常作定语] giving little hope of success; tried when all else has failed 成功希望渺茫的; 孤注一掷的: 745a desperate remedy, measure, etc 成功希望渺

茫的补救方法、 孤注一掷的措施.




/ 9despE5reIFn; 9dZspE`reFEn/ n [U] state of being

desperate(1) 拚命; 不顾一切; 不顾死活: driven

to desperation 被 逼 得 铤 而 走 险 *| In

desperation I pleaded with the attackers. 我不



/ dI5spIkEbl, 5despIkEbl; dI`spIkEbl, `dZspIkEbl/ adj ~

(of sb) (to do sth) deserving to be despised;

contemptible 可鄙 的 ; 卑鄙 的 : a despicable

action, gesture 可 鄙 的 行 动 、 姿 势 *| a

despicable rogue 卑鄙的无赖.


/ -EblI; -EblI/ adv: behave despicably 举动卑鄙.


/ dI5spaIz; dI`spaIz/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (for sth)

feel contempt for sb/sth; consider sb/sth as

worthless 鄙视、 藐视、 看不起某人[某事物]:

despise his hypocrisy, meanness, conceit, etc

鄙视他的虚伪、吝啬、自负等 *| Strike-breakers

are often despised by their workmates. 破坏罢



/ dI5spaIt; dI`spaIt/ prep without being affected by

(the factors mentioned) 尽管; 不管; 不顾: They

had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad

weather. 尽管天气不好, 他们的假日还是过得极

为愉快. *| Despite wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters. 她尽管很想

再见到他, 但却不愿给他回信. *| Despite what

others say, I think he's a very nice chap. 不管

别人怎麽说, 我仍认为他这个人很好. Cf 参看 in

spite of (spite).


/ dI5spRIl; dI`spRIl/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~sth (of sth) (fml

文) rob (a place) of sth valuable; plunder sth 从

(某处)抢劫有价值之物; 掠夺某物: Museums

have despoiled India of many priceless

treasures. 博物馆里有许多从印度掠夺来的无价之



/ dI5spCndEnt; dI`spBndEnt/ adj ~ (about sth) having

or showing loss of hope; wretched 失望的; 沮

丧的; 消沉的; 苦恼的: a despondent loser, mood, look 沮丧的失败者、情绪、神情 *| Don't

be so despondent. 不要这样泄气.


/ dI5spCndEnsI; dI`spBndEnsI/ n [U] loss of hope;

misery 泄 气 ; 沮 丧 ; 失 望 ; 苦 恼 : her despondency about having no job 她因失业而意志消沉.




/ dI5z:t; dI`z[t/ (also sweet) n (a) [C] any sweet dish, (eg pie, tart, ice-cream) eaten at the end of a meal (饭後的)甜食(如馅饼、 果馅饼、 冰激凌): a pineapple dessert 菠萝甜食. Cf 参看afters, pudding 1. (b) [U] course in which this dish is served (用作最後一道菜的)甜食: Shall we move on to dessert? 咱们上甜食好吗? *|[attrib 作定语] a dessert apple, wine, etc, ie served with or for dessert 作为甜食的苹果、 餐末甜酒.


n (a) medium-sized spoon 点心匙; 中型匙. =>illus at spoon 见 spoon 之插图. (b) (also dessert-spoonful) / -fUl; -9fJl/ amount held by this 一点心匙的量.


/ 9destI5neIFn; 9dZstE`neFEn/ n place to which sb/sth is going or being sent 目的地: Tokyo was our final destination. 东京是我们的最终目的地. *| arrive at/reach one's destination 到达目的地.


/ 5destInd; `dZstInd/ adj [pred 作表语] (fml 文) 1 ~ for sth/to do sth; be ~ that... having a future which has been decided or planned beforehand 命 中 注 定 ; 注 定 ; 预 定 : Coming from a theatrical family, I was destined for a career on the stage, ie I was expected to be an actor. 我生於戏剧工作者之家, 注定了我的舞台生涯. *| They were destined never to meet again, ie Fate had decided they should not meet again. 他们命中注定再也无缘相遇了. *| It was destined that they would marry. 他们结婚是缘分. 2 ~ for... on the way to (a place) 去, 到, 往, 赴(某处): a letter, a traveller, an aircraft destined for London 往伦敦的信、 游客、 飞机.


/ 5destInI; `dZstEnI/ n 1 [U] power believed to control events 命运: Destiny drew us together. 命 运 把 我 们 连 在 一 起 了 . 2 [C] that which happens to sb/sth (thought to be decided beforehand by fate) 定数; 天命: It was his destiny to die in a foreign country. 他注定要客死异国. *| events which shaped his destiny 决定他命运的事件.


/ 5destItju:t; ?@ -tu:t; `dZstE9tut/ adj 1 without money, food, etc and other things necessary for life; impoverished 穷困的; 贫穷的; 穷苦的:

When he died, his family was left destitute. 他死後家人衣食无著. 2 [pred 作表语] ~ of sth (fml 文) lacking sth 缺少某事物: officials who are destitute of ordinary human feelings 毫无感情的官员.


/ 9destI5tju:Fn; ?@ -5tu:Fn; 9dZstE`tuFEn/ n [U] being destitute 匮 乏 ; 穷 困 : live in complete destitution 生活一贫如洗.


/ dI5strRI; dI`strRI/ v 1 [Tn] damage (sth) so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc; wreck 摧毁, 毁坏(某物): a house destroyed by bombs, fire, explosion 被炸弹、 大火、 爆炸毁掉的房子 *|Vandals destroyed the bus. 恣意破坏公物的人毁坏了这辆公共汽车. *| They've destroyed all the evidence. 他们销毁了一切证据. *| (fig 比喻) destroy sb's hopes, career, reputation 毁掉某人的希望、 事业、 名誉. 2 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] kill (a dog, horse, etc) deliberately, usu because it is sick or unwanted 杀死(狗、马等)(通常因其生病或不能保留); 人道毁灭: The injured dog had to be destroyed. 这只受伤的狗要予以人道毁灭.


n 1 (fml 文) person or thing that destroys 破坏者: Death, the destroyer 死神, 生灵之毁灭者. 2 small fast warship for protecting larger warships or convoys of merchant ships 驱逐舰.


/ dI5strQktEbl; dI`strQktEbl/ adj that can be destroyed 可破坏的; 可摧毁的; 可毁灭的.


/ dI9strQktE5bIlEtI; dI9strQktE`bIlEtI/ n [U].


/ dI5strQkFn; dI`strQkFEn/ n [U] (a) destroying or being destroyed 破坏; 摧毁; 毁灭: the total destruction of a town by an earthquake 地震对一小镇之彻底毁坏. (b) person or thing that destroys or ruins 破坏者; 毁灭者: Gambling was his destruction. 赌博把他毁了.


/ dI5strQktIv; dI`strQktIv/ adj (a) causing destruction or serious damage 造成毁灭或严重破坏的; 毁灭性的: the destructive force of the storm 暴风雨的破坏力. (b) wanting or tending

to destroy 想 要 破 坏 的 ; 会 造 成 破 坏 的 : destructive urges 想搞破坏的欲望 *| Are all small children so destructive? 是不是儿童都很喜欢破坏? *| destructive criticism, ie making no positive suggestions for improvement 破坏性的批评.




n [U].


/ dI5sju:Itju:d; ?@ -tu:d; dI`suE9tud/ n (idm 习语) fall into de`suetude (fml 文) cease being used 已不用; 废止: customs, fashions, words that have fallen into desuetude 已经废弃的风俗、 式样、词语.


/ 5desEltrI; ?@ -tR:rI; `dZsEl9tRrI/ adj going from one thing to another, without a definite plan or purpose; unmethodical 不连贯的; 漫无计划或目的的; 无条理的: desultory reading, work 漫无目的的阅读、 漫无计划的工作 *| desultory attempts to help 毫无计划的随意帮助.




n [U].


abbr 缩写 = Detective.


/ dI5tAtF; dI`tAtF/ v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) unfasten sth from sth; disconnect sth 将某物拆下; 拆开某物; 分开某物: detach a link from a chain 从 链 子 上 拆 下 一 个 链 环 *| a coach detached from a train 从火车上脱离的一节车厢. Cf 参看 attach 1. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (from sth) (military 军) send (a group of soldiers, ships, etc) away from the main force, esp to do special duties 派遣, 分遣(兵员、 船舰等)(尤指执行特殊任务): A number of men were detached to guard the right flank. 派遣了一些士兵守卫右翼.


adj 1 (a) not influenced by others; impartial 不受他人影响的; 不偏不倚的; 公正的: a detached mind, assessment, judgement, etc 不偏不倚的见解、 评价、 判断等 *| take a detached view of sth 对某事物采取公正的观点. (b) not feeling emotional or involved 不动感情的; 冷静的; 客观的; 超然的: her detached response to the crisis 她对这危机的客观的反应. 2 (of a house) 747not joined to another on either side (指房子)

两边不与其他房子相连的, 独立的. =>illus at App 1 见附录 1 之插图, page vii.


/ -Ebl; -Ebl/ adj that can be detached 可拆开的; 可分离的; 可分遣的: a detachable lining in a coat 大衣的活衬里.


/ dI5tAtFmEnt; dI`tAtFmEnt/ n 1 [U] detaching or being detached 派遣; 分遣: the detachment of units from the main force 从主力部队派遣的小分队. 2 [U] (a) state of being not influenced by others 不 受 他 人 影 响 ; 独 立 ; 客 观 : show detachment in one's judgements 表现出独立的见解. (b) lack of emotion; indifference 冷静; 超然: He answered with an air of detachment. 他以超然的神态回答. 3 [C] group of soldiers, ships, etc sent away from a larger group, esp to do special duties 分 遣 队 ; 支 队 ; 特 遣 舰 队 : a detachment of signallers 通讯兵支队.


/ 5di:teIl; ?@ dI5teIl; dI`tel/ n 1 [C] small, particular fact or item 细目; 细节; 详情: Please give me all the details. 请告诉我全部详情. *| I checked every detail of her research. 我核对了她的学术研究的各个细节. *| The details of the costume were totally authentic. 这件古装的每个小地方都完全真实. *| Spare me the details! ie Don't provide any. 别给我讲细枝末节了! 2 [U] (a) small, particular aspects of sth 细微的方面: A good organizer pays attention to detail. 善於组织者考虑问题无微不至. *| a novelist with an eye for detail, eg who includes many small, realistic facts 刻划入微的小说家. (b) smaller or less important parts of a picture, pattern, etc (绘画、 图案等的)较小的或次要的部分: The overall composition of the picture is good but some of the detail is distracting. 这幅画的构图不错, 但有些细微处稍嫌喧宾夺主. 3 [C] (military 军) group of soldiers given special duties 特遣队; 小分队: the cookhouse detail 营地炊事班. 4 (idm 习语) go into `detail(s) speak or write about all aspects of sth 详细叙述: He refused to go into details about his plans. 他不肯详述他计划的细节. in `detail discussing all facts or items fully 详细地: to explain/describe sth in detail 详细解释[叙述]某事物.


/ 5di:teIl; ?@ dI5teIl; dI`tel/ v 1 [Tn, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to/for sb) list sth fully, item by item; describe

sth fully (to/for sb) 逐项列出; (向[为]某人)详述某事物: The computer's features are detailed in our brochure. 该计算机的特点在我们的小册子中有详细介绍. *| an inventory detailing all the goods in a shop 逐项列出的商店货物清单 *| I detailed our plans to her. 我向她详细讲述了我们的计划. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.t] ~ sb (for sth) choose or appoint sb for special duties 选出或指派某人执行特殊任务: detail soldiers for guard duty/to guard a bridge 派士兵值勤[守桥].


adj having many details or paying great attention to details; thorough 详细的; 极注意细节的; 详尽的; 完全的: a detailed description, account, analysis, etc 详尽的叙述、 报道、 分析等.


/ dI5teIn; dI`ten/ v [Tn] 1 prevent (sb) from leaving or doing sth; delay 阻止(某人)离开或做某事; 耽搁; 延误: She was detained in the office by unexpected callers. 有些临时访客把她耽搁在办公室里了. *| This question need not detain us long, ie can be settled quickly. 这个问题不必耽搁我们很长时间. 2 keep (sb) in custody; lock up 拘留(某人); 扣押: The police detained him for questioning. 警方对他进行拘留审问.


/ 9di:teI5ni:; di9te`ni/ n person who is detained (by police, etc, eg sb suspected of a violent crime, terrorism, etc) 被拘留者.


/ dI5tekt; dI`tZkt/ v [Tn] (a) discover or recognize that (sth) is present 发现、察觉或查出(某事物): The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth. 牙医检查了她的牙, 未见有龋齿. *| instruments that can detect minute amounts of radiation 能检测极微量辐射的仪器 *| Do I detect a note of irony in your voice? 听起来你是在说反话吧? (b) investigate and solve (crime, etc) 侦察, 侦查(罪案等): This police officer's job is to detect fraud. 这位警官负责侦查欺诈案.


n device for detecting changes in pressure or temperature, metals, explosives, etc 探测器.


/ dI5tekFn; dI`tZkFEn/ n [U] detecting; discovering 发 现 ; 察 觉 ; 侦 查 ; 探 测 : the detection of radioactivity 对放射性的探测 *| the detection of crime 对 罪 行 的 侦 查 *| try to escape detection by disguising oneself 乔装打扮以躲过 748侦察者的耳目.


/ dI5tektIv; dI`tZktIv/ n person, esp a police officer, whose job it is to investigate and solve crimes

侦探: employ a private detective 雇用一名私人


detective story, detective novel

story in which the main interest is a puzzling

crime and the process of solving it 侦探小说.


/ 9deI5tB:nt; de`tBnt/ n [U] (French 法) lessening of

dangerous tension, esp between countries (紧



/ dI5tenFn; dI`tZnFEn/ n [U] (a) detaining or being

detained, esp in prison 阻止; 滞留; 拘留; (尤

指)监禁: detention without trial 未经审判的关

押. (b) punishment of being kept at school

after it has closed 课後留校的惩罚: be given

two hours' detention 被罚留校两小时.

detention centre

place where young offenders are kept in

detention for a short time 青少年管教所.


/ dI5t:(r); dI`t[/ v (-rr-) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (from

doing sth) make sb decide not to do sth 使某人

决定不做某事物: Failure did not deter him (from

making another attempt). 他并未因失败而畏缩

不前. *| I was deterred from emigrating by the

thought of leaving my family. 我舍不得离开家, 所以决定不移居国外了.


/ dI5t:dVEnt; dI`t[dVEnt/ n [U, C], adj (substance)

that removes dirt, eg from the surface of

clothes or dishes 洗涤剂; 去污剂; 洗涤的; 去污

的: Most synthetic detergents are in the form

of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或



/ dI5tIErIEreIt; dI`tIrIE9ret/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (into sth)

become worse in quality or condition 变坏; 变

质; 恶化: Leather can deteriorate in damp

conditions. 皮革受潮可变质. *| The discussion

deteriorated into a bitter quarrel. 这场讨论演变



/ dI9tIErIE5reIFn; dI9tIrIE`reFEn/ n [U]: a

deterioration in superpower relations 超级大国



/ dI5t:mInEnt; dI`t[mEnEnt/ n, adj (fml 文) (thing)

that determines or decides how or if sth happens 决 定 因 素 ; 决 定 性 的 : The main determinant of economic success is our ability to control inflation. 经济方面的成就主要取决於我们控制通货膨胀的能力.


/ dI5t:mInEt; dI`t[mEnEt/ adj (fml 文) limited in range or scope; definite 限定的; 确定的.


/ dI9t:mI5neIFn; dI9t[mE`neFEn/ n [U] 1 ~ (to do sth) quality of being firmly committed to doing sth; resoluteness 决 心 ; 坚 定 性 : a leader with courage and determination 果敢的领导者 *|with an air of determination, ie showing this quality 带著一副坚定的神态 *| her dogged determination to learn English 她学英语的那种坚 定 不 移 的 决 心 . 2 precise fixing (of sth); deciding ( 对 某 事 物 的 ) 确 定 ; 决 定 : the determination of future policy 未来政策的确定. 3 finding out (of an amount, a quality, etc); calculation (数量、 质量等的)测定; 计算: the determination of a ship's position/the exact composition of a substance 船的方位[某种物质的准确成分]的测定.


/ dI5t:mInEtIv; ?@ -neItIv; dI`t[mE-9netIv/ adj (fml 文) having the power to determine or limit sth ( 对 某 事 物 ) 有 决 定 力 的 , 有 限 制 力 的 : a determinative factor in his psychological development 在他心理发展过程中的决定因素.


n thing having the power to determine or limit sth 决定因素.


/ dI5t:mIn; dI`t[mIn/ v 1 [Tn, Tw] (fml 文) fix (sth) precisely; decide 确 定 ( 某 事 物 ) ; 决 定 : determine a date for a meeting 确定会议日期*| His future has not been determined, but he may study medicine. 他将来何去何从尚未决定, 但有可能学医. *| She will determine how it is to be done. 她会决定这件事的做法. 2 [Tn, Tw] (fml 文) find out (sth that is not known); calculate 测定, 找出(某未知事物); 算出: determine the meaning of a word/what a word means 确定某词的含义 *| determine exactly what happened 查出究竟发生了什麽事 *| determine the speed of light, how high a mountain is 测定光速、 山有多高. 3 [Ipr, Tf, Tw, Tt] ~ on/upon sth decide firmly that sth will be done; make up one's mind about sth; resolve 决定做某事; 对某事下 749定 决 心 ; 决心 : We determined on an early

start/(that) we'd makean early start. 我们决定早些出发. *| determine on proving/to prove sb's innocence 决心要证实某人无辜 *| They have determined where the new school will be built. 他们已决定在何处建校. *| He determined to learn Greek. 他决定学希腊语. 4 [Tn.pr] ~ sb against sth (fml 文) make sb decide not to do sth 使某人决定不做某事: That determined her against leaving home. 那件事使她决定不离开家了. 5 [Tn] decisively influence (sth); fix 对(某事物)产生决定性的影响; 决定: Do heredity and environment determine one's character? 遗传与环境可以决定一个人的性格吗? *| The exam results could determine your career. 考试成绩可能会决定你的前途.


/ dI5t:mInd; dI`t[mInd/ adj ~ (to do sth) with one's mind firmly made up; resolute 有决心的; 意志坚定的; 坚决的: a determined fighter, look, attitude 坚定的战士、 神情、 态度 *| I'm determined to succeed. 我决心要努力获得成功.


/ dI5t:mInE(r); dI`t[mInL/ n (grammar) word, eg the, some, my, that comes before a noun to show how the noun is being used 限定词(置於名词前, 对该名词起限定作用的词, 如 the、 some、my).


/ dI5t:mInIzEm; dI`t[mEn9IzEm/ n [U] (philosophy 哲) belief that one is not free to choose the sort of person one wants to be, or how one behaves, because these things are decided by one's background, surroundings, etc 决定论(认为个人并无选择个性或行为的自由, 因为这一切都由其背景、 环境等所决定).


/ dI5terEnt; ?@ -5t:-; dI`t[rEnt/ n, adj (thing) that deters or is meant to deter 起制止作用的(事物); 遏止的(因素); 威慑的(力量): His punishment will be a deterrent to others. 惩罚他以儆效尤. *| deterrent weapons, measures 具威慑性的武器、 遏制性的手段.


/ dI5terEns; ?@ -5t:-; dI`t[rEns/ n [U] action of deterring 阻止; 遏止; 威慑: nuclear deterrence, ie (a policy of) having nuclear weapons in order to make an enemy too frightened to attack 核威慑.


/ dI5test; dI`tZst/ v [Tn, Tg, Tsg] dislike (sb/sth)

very much; hate 憎恶, 憎恨(某人[某事物]); 厌恶; 讨厌: detest dogs 讨厌狗 *| detest having to get up early 很不喜欢早起身 *| I detest people complaining. 我讨厌人发牢骚.


/ -Ebl; -Ebl/ adj that one hates; hateful 令人憎恨的; 可憎的; 可恶的; 讨厌的: a detestable habit 可恶的习惯.


/ -EblI; -EblI/ adv.


/ 9di:te5steIFn; 9ditZs`teFEn/ n [U] strong dislike; hatred 强烈的厌恶; 憎恶.


/ 9di:5WrEUn; di`Wron/ v [Tn] (a) remove (a ruler) from the throne; depose 废黜(君主). (b) (fig 比喻) remove (sb) from a position of authority or influence 使(某人)失去权势; 撵下台; 挤走: a government adviser dethroned by a younger expert 被较年轻的专家挤走的政府顾问.


n [C, U].


/ 5detEneIt; `dZtE9net/ v [I, Tn] (cause sth to) explode; (be) set off (使某物)爆炸; 引爆; 起爆: The bomb failed to detonate. 炸弹没爆炸. *| an explosive charge detonated by remote control 遥控起爆的炸药.


/ 9detE5neIFn; 9dZtE`neFEn/ n [C, U] explosion 爆炸; 起爆.


/ 5detEneItE(r); `dZtE9netL/ n part of a bomb, etc that explodes first, setting off the full explosion 起爆管; 雷管; 信管.


/ 5di:tUE(r); ?@ dI5tUEr; dI`tUr/ n (esp US) route that avoids a blocked road, etc; deviation (绕开受阻道路等的)绕行路线, 迂回路线: We had to make a detour round the floods. 我们为避开洪水得绕道而行. Cf 参看 diversion.


v [I, Tn] avoid (sth) by making a detour 绕道以避开(某物); 绕过(某物): We had to detour a road-block. 我们得绕过路障.


/ 9di:5tCksIfaI; di`tBksE9faI/ v (pt, pp -fied) [Tn] remove poison or harmful substances from (sb/sth) 清除(某人[某物])的毒素或有害物质; 为(某人[某物])解毒: detoxify the bloodstream 清除血液中的毒素.


750/ 9di:9tCksIfI5keIFn; di9tBksEfE`keFEn/ n [U] action of

removing poison or harmful substances, eg addictive drugs 解毒; (对如毒品等有害物质的)清除: [attrib 作定语] a detoxification centre, ie where drug addicts or alcoholics are treated 戒毒(或戒酒)中心.


/ dI5trAkt; dI`trAkt/ v [Ipr] ~ from sth make sth seem less valuable or important 减损某事物的价值或重要性; 贬低: detract from the merit, value, worth, excellence, etc of sth 有损於某事物的好处、 重要性、 价值、 优点等 *| criticism that detracts from her achievements 贬低她成就 的 批 评 *| This unpleasant incident detracted from our enjoyment of the evening. 这件不愉快的事情使我们当晚兴致大减.


/ dI5trAkFn; dI`trAkFEn/ n [U] unfair criticism of sb/sth; belittling 不恰当的批评; 贬低; 贬抑.


n person who criticizes sb/sth unfairly 诋毁者; 贬 低 者 : The scheme is better than its detractors suggest. 这计划比贬低它的人所说的要好.


/ 9di:5treIn; di`tren/ v [I, Tn] (fml 文) leave or cause (sb) to leave a railway train 下火车; 使(某人)下火车: The troops detrained near the battle zone. 部队在战区附近下了火车.

detribalize, detribalise

/ 9di:5traIbElaIz; di`traIbE9laIz/ v [Tn] cause (sb) to abandon tribal customs; end tribal organization in (a society) 使(某人)摒弃部落习俗; 解散(某社会)中的部落组织: detribalized Indians in South America 解散南美洲印第安人的部落.

detribalization, detribalisation

/ 9di:9traIbElaI5zeIFn; ?@-lI5z-; di9traIbElI`zeFEn/ [U].


/ 5detrImEnt; `dZtrEmEnt/ n (idm 习 语 ) to the detriment of sb/sth; without detriment to sb/sth harming/not harming sb/sth 对某人[某事物]有害 [无害]; 有损於[无损於]某人[某事物]: He works long hours, to the detriment of his health. 他长时间地工作, 有损健康. *| This tax cannot be introduced without detriment to the economy. 这一税制一旦施行, 必然会危害国民经济.


/ 9detrI5mentl; 9dZtrE`mZntl/ adj ~ (to sb/sth) harmful 有害的; 不利的: The measures had a

detrimental effect. 这些措施已产生不良影响. *|activities detrimental to our interests 损及我们利益的活动.


/ -tElI; -tlI/ adv: detrimentally affected 受到不良影响.


/ dI5traItEs; dI`traItEs/ n [U] matter such as sand, silt or gravel produced by the wearing away of rocks, etc (岩石等风化而形成的)泥沙, 碎石, 岩屑; 风化物.


/ dju:s; ?@ du:s; dus/ n 1 two on playing-cards or dice (shown as pips and/or numbers) (纸牌或色子上的)两点(以点和[或]数字表示). 2 (in tennis) score of 40-all, after which either side must gain two successive points to win the game (网球赛中)40 平(其後一方须连胜两球方为胜).


/ dju:s; ?@ du:s; dus/ n (dated infml euph 旧, 口, 婉) 1 the deuce [sing] (used as an expression of annoyance 用以表示烦恼、 厌恶等): The deuce! I've lost my keys! 真 倒 霉 , 钥 匙 丢 了 ! *|Who/What/Where the deuce is that? 到底是哪个家伙[是什麽鬼名堂/在什麽鬼地方]? *| What the deuce is going on? 讨厌, 到底是怎麽回事? 2 (idm 习语) the deuce of a sth a very bad case of sth 非常糟糕; 十分严重: I've got the deuce of a headache. 我头痛极了.


/ dju:st, 5dju:sId; ?@ du:st; dust/ adj (used as an expression of annoyance 用以表示烦恼、 厌恶等): Where's that deuced boy? 那坏小子上哪儿去了? adv very 很; 非常: What deuced bad luck! 倒霉死了!


/ 5dju:sIdlI; ?@ 5du:-; `dusIdlI/ adv very 很; 非常.


/ 5dRItFmB:k; `dRItF9mBrk/ n (abbr 缩写 DM) unit of money in the Federal Republic of Germany 马克(德国货币单位).


/ 9di:5vAlju:; di`vAlju/ v [Tn] (a) reduce the value of (a currency) in relation to other currencies or gold 使(某种货币)贬值: devalue the dollar, pound, mark, etc 使美元、英镑、马克等贬值. (b) reduce the value or worth of (sth) 降低(某事物)的价值; 贬低(某事物)的重要性: criticism that devalues our work 贬低我们工作成绩的批评.


/ 9di:vAljU5eIFn; 9divAljJ`eFEn/ n [C, U] (instance of) 751reducing a currency to a lower fixed value 货

币贬值: There's been a further devaluation of

the dollar. 美元继续贬值.


/ 5devEsteIt; `dZvEs9tet/ v [Tn] (a) completely

destroy (sth); ruin 彻底毁坏(某事物); 毁灭; 摧

毁: a house devastated by a bomb 被炸弹炸毁

的房子 *| War devastated the country. 战争摧

毁 了 这 个 国 家 . (b) (infml 口 ) shock (sb);

overwhelm 令(某人)震惊; 使(某人)难以承受:

She was devastated by his death. 她因他去世而

悲痛欲绝. *| I was devastated by the news of

the crash. 我获悉失事的消息感到十分震惊.


/ 5devEsteItIN; `dZvEs9tetIN/ adj 1 very destructive

破坏力极强的; 毁灭性的: a devastating war, famine, storm, etc 毁灭性的战争、 饥荒、 风暴

等. 2 causing severe shock 令人十分震惊的; 具

有强大冲击力的: devastating criticism, news 猛

烈的抨击、 惊人的消息. 3 (fig infml 比喻, 口)

striking; impressive 突出的; 醒目的; 令人钦佩

的: devastating wit 非凡的机智 *| She looked

devastating, ie very beautiful. 她貌美绝伦.




/ 9devE5steIFn; 9dZvEs`teFEn/ n [U] devastating or

being devastated 毁 灭 : complete, utter

devastation 完全的、 彻底的毁灭.


/ dI5velEp; dI`vZlEp/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~

(sb/sth) (from sth) (into sth) (cause sb/sth to)

grow gradually; become or make more mature, advanced or organized (使某人[某事物])发展, 发育, 成长, 发达: The child is developing well.

这孩子发育良好. *| The plot for the novel

gradually developed in my mind. 我逐步构想出

小说的情节. *| The argument developed into a

bitter quarrel. 这场辩论逐渐变成了激烈的争吵.

*| We've developed the project from an original

idea by Stephen. 我们根据斯蒂芬的设想制定了

这个计划. *| The place has developed from a

fishing port into a thriving tourist centre. 这地

方由原来的渔港发展成一个繁荣的旅游胜地. 2 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become noticeable, visible or

active (使某事物)出现, 明显化, 显露, 变得活跃:

Symptoms of malaria developed, ie appeared.

疟疾的症状出现了. *| The car has developed

signs of rust, ie is becoming rusty. 这辆汽车出

现了锈迹. 3 (photography 摄) (a) [Tn] treat (an

exposed film) with chemicals so that the picture can be seen 冲洗(已曝光的底片); 使(已曝光的底片)显影: take a film to be developed 将胶 卷 送 去 冲洗 . (b) [I] (of the image on an exposed film or plate) become visible (指底片上 的图像 )显影 . 4 [Tn] use (land) for the building of houses, etc and so increase its value 在(土地)上建筑房屋等; 开发(土地): The site is being developed by a London property company. 这块地正在由伦敦的一家地产公司开发利用.


adj 1 advanced; mature 先进的; 发达的; 成熟的: a highly developed system of agriculture 十分发达的农业体系 *| She is well developed for her age. 她 比 她 的 实 际 年 龄 看 来 早 熟 . 2 (economics 经) (of a country, an area, etc) with a highly organized economy (指国家、 地区等)经济发达的: one of the less developed countries 发达程度较低的国家之一.


n 1 (photography 摄 ) substance used to develop films 显影剂. 2 person or company that develops land 土地开发者; 土地开发公司.


adj trying to become economically advanced 经济发展中的: a developing country 发展中的国家 *| the developing world 发展中的世界.


/ dI5velEpmEnt; dI`vZlEpmEnt/ n 1 [U] developing or being developed (develop 1, 2, 3, 4) 发展; 发达; 发育; 成长; 出现; 显影; 开发: the healthy development of children 儿童的健康成长 *|encourage the development of small businesses 鼓励小公司的发展 *| land that is ready for development, ie ready to be built on 可以开发的土地(可在上面营建). 2 [C] (a) new stage or event 新的阶段; 新事态: the latest development in the continuing crisis 这段持续危机的最新情况 *| We must await further developments. 我们必须等待事态的进一步发展. (b) new product or invention 新产品; 新发明: Our electrically-powered car is an exciting new development. 我们的电动汽车是一项令人鼓舞 的新发明 . 3 [C] piece of land with new buildings on it 新近建造了房屋的一块土地; 新开发 地 : a commercial development on the outskirts of the town 在城郊的新商业区.

development area

(Brit) poor area where new industries are 752encouraged in order to create jobs 待开发区(鼓



/ 5di:vIEnt; `divIEnt/ n, adj (often derog 常作贬义) (person who is) different in moral or social standards from what is considered normal 偏离正常的道德或社会标准的(人); 离经叛道的(人): a sexual deviant who assaults children 蹂躏儿童的性变态者 *| deviant behaviour 不轨的行为.


/ -vIEns; -vIEns/, deviancy ns [U] deviant tendencies or behaviour 反常的倾向或行为.


/ 5di:vIeIt; `divI9et/ v [Ipr] ~ from sth stop following (a course, standard, etc) 偏离(路线、标准等); 背离: The plane deviated from its usual route. 飞机偏离了正常的航线. *| I will never deviate from what I believe to be right. 我绝不背离我自信正确的道路. *| deviate from one's plan, the norm, the accepted procedure, etc 偏离自己的计划、 标准、 一般的程序等.


/ 9di:vI5eIFn; 9divI`eFEn/ n ~ (from sth) 1 (a) [U] not following the normal or expected course, plan, etc; deviating 偏离正常的或原定的路线、 计划等; 偏向; 偏差: There was little deviation from his usual routine. 他没有什麽反常的举动. *| sexual deviation 性变态行为. (b) [C] instance of this 偏差; 逸出常轨: a deviation from the rules 违背规则. 2 [U] (politics 政) moving away from the beliefs held by the group to which one belongs 背离自己所属集团的信条; 背盟: Party ideologists accused her of deviation. 党内理论家谴责她背离 了 党 的 信 条 . 3 [C] difference between a numerical value and a norm or average 偏差; 离差: a compass deviation of 5, ie from true north 罗盘自差 5 度(相对於正北而言).


/ -FEnIzEm; -FEnIzm/ n [U] practice of political deviation 政治上的离经叛道.


/-FEnIst; -FEnIst/ n.


/ dI5vaIs; dI`vaIs/ n 1 thing made or adapted for a special purpose (为某种用途而制作或改装的)装置, 器具: a device for measuring pressure 测压装置 *| a labour-saving device 节省劳力的装置 *| an explosive device 爆 破 装 置 *| a nuclear device, eg a nuclear bomb or missile 核子装置(如核弹或核导弹). =>Usage at machine 用法见 machine. 2 (literature 文学) metaphor,

combination of words, etc used by a writer to produce an effect on the reader (作者用以感染读者的)手法, 技巧(如隐喻、 词语搭配等): a stylistic device 文体表现手法. 3 scheme; trick 策略; 计策; 诡计; 计谋: Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him. 她所谓生病只不过是避免见他的花招而已. 4 symbol or figure used as a sign by a noble family, eg on a crest or shield (贵族用作家族标志的)图案(如用於饰章或盾形徽的): a heraldic device 纹章图案. 5 (idm 习语) leave sb to his own devices => leave1.


/ 5devl; `dZvl/ n 1 (a) the Devil supreme evil being; Satan 魔鬼; 撒旦: The Devil tempted Adam and Eve. 魔鬼诱惑了亚当和夏娃. (b) wicked spirit 魔鬼; 鬼怪: He believes in devils and witches. 他相信魔鬼、 巫婆这类事. 2 (infml 口) (a) wicked or mischievous person 恶人; 坏蛋; 调皮鬼; 淘气鬼: My niece is a little devil. 我的侄女是个调皮鬼. *| He's a devil with (ie flirts with) the ladies. 他是个玩弄女性的家伙. (b) (used for emphasis 用以加强语气) person 人; 家伙: The poor/lucky devil! 多可怜[幸运]的家伙! *| Which silly devil left the fire on all day? 是哪个笨蛋没将炉火熄掉, 烧了这一整天? 3 (idm 习语) be a `devil (infml joc 口, 谑) used to encourage sb to do sth he is hesitating to do 用以在某人迟疑时鼓励他去做某事: Go on, be a devil tell me what they said. 来, 怕什麽--尽管告诉我他们说了些什麽. better the devil you know => better2. between the ,devil and the ,deep (blue) `sea in a situation where there are two equally unacceptable alternatives 进退维谷; 左右为难.

the devil (used for emphasis in questions 在疑问句中用以加强语气): What/Who/Why/Where the devil is that? 到底是什麽鬼名堂[是哪个家伙/是为什麽/是在什麽鬼地方]? the (very) `devil (sth) difficult or unpleasant 困难的或令人不愉快的(事物): This job is the very devil. 这工作十分棘手. *| These pans are the (very) devil to clean. 这些锅太难洗乾净了. the `devil you will/won't, she can/can't, etc (infml 口 ) (used to emphasize a statement of refusal, an expression of surprise, etc 用作强调表示拒绝、惊讶等的语句): `I'm going to a party. ' `The devil you are!', ie I forbid it. `我要去参加一个聚会.'`你敢!'(我不准). the ,devil looks ,after his `own (saying 谚) success comes to those who deserve it least 魔鬼保佑恶人(最不配成功者却能 753获得成功); 小人行大运. the devil makes work

for idle hands (saying 谚) when people do not

have enough work to do, they get into or make

trouble 闲则生非. a devil of a sth/sb (dated

infml 旧, 口) (used for emphasis 用以加强语气)

very remarkable, difficult, awkward, etc thing

or person 非常突出、 麻烦、 糟糕等的事或人: a

devil of a pretty woman 漂亮得不得了的女人.

devil's `advocate person who speaks against

sb or sth simply to encourage discussion 故意

提出异议以激发辩论的人; 故意唱反调的人: I don't

really believe in capital punishment, I'm just

playing the devil's advocate. 我并非真正主张应

该有死刑, 只是故意唱唱反调罢了. the devil's

own luck very good luck 极佳的运气; 鸿运. the

devil take the `hindmost everybody should

look after himself and not care about others

魔鬼专抓落後的(人人应自保, 不可顾他人); 要鬼

捉不到, 抢在人前逃: In this business you have

to be tough, and the devil take the hindmost.

干这一行必须心狠, 谁顾别人谁吃亏. give the

devil his `due be just, even to those who do not

deserve it 不管人好人坏, 都要公平对待; 平心而

论. go to the `devil! (dated 旧) damn you! 去你

的! 见鬼去吧! have a/the devil of a job doing

sth (infml 口) find sth very difficult 觉得某事十

分困难: I'm having a devil of a job fixing my car.

我修我这辆汽车可费劲了. like the `devil (infml

口) very hard, intensively, etc 很卖力地、 强烈

地等; 拚命地: run, work like the devil 拚命跑、干. needs must when the devil drives => needs

(need). play the devil with sth (infml 口) harm

or make sth worse 伤害; 使某事物恶化: Cold

weather plays the devil with my rheumatism.

天一冷, 我的风湿病就犯了. speak/talk of the

`devil (saying infml 谚, 口) (said when sb one

has been talking about appears 用於说到某人, 某人就到的场合). there'll be the `devil to pay

(infml 口) there will be trouble as the result of

sth 那就麻烦了; 那就糟糕了; 那就要倒霉了:

There'll be the devil to pay if you scratch my

car! 你要是划坏了我的汽车你就有麻烦了! the

world, the flesh and the devil => world.


adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] reckless 肆无忌惮的;



/ 5devl; `dZvl/ v (-ll-; US -l-) 1 [Tn] grill (sth) with

mustard, curry, etc 加芥末、咖喱等烧烤(某物):

devilled kidneys/ham/turkey 加辛辣调味品的

烤腰子[火腿/火鸡]. 2 [I, Ipr] ~ (for sb) (Brit) work as an assistant to (a barrister) 给(律师)做助手.


/ 5devElIF; `dZvElIF/ adj wicked; cruel 邪恶的; 恶毒的; 残忍的: a devilish plan 毒计 *| devilish cunning 奸诈.


adv (dated infml 旧, 口) very 很; 非常: devilish hot 热得要命.


adv: devilishly cruel, cunning, etc 穷凶极恶、极为狡诈.


n [U].


/ 5devlmEnt; `dZvlmEnt/ (also devilry/ 5devlrI; `dZvlrI/) n 1 [U] high spirits; mischief 高昂的情绪; 恶作剧; 玩笑: She played a trick on him out of sheer devilment. 她捉弄他完全是为了寻开心. 2 [C] mischievous act 恶作剧; 开玩笑: She's up to some devilry or other. 她正要搞个恶作剧什麽的.


/ 5di:vIEs; `divIEs/ adj 1 cunning; dishonest 刁滑的; 不诚实的: a devious lawyer, scheme, trick 刁滑的律师、 阴谋、 诡计 *| get rich by devious means 以不正当的手段致富. 2 (of a route, path, etc) winding; not straight (指道路等)弯曲的, 蜿蜒的, 不直的: The coach followed a rather devious course to its destination. 长途汽车要绕很多弯路才到达目的地.




n [U].


/ dI5vaIz; dI`vaIz/ v [Tn] think out (a plan, system, tool, etc); invent 想出, 设计(计划、 制度、 工具等); 发明: devise a scheme for redeveloping the city centre 制定市中心重建计划 *| devise a new type of transistor 发明一种新晶体管.

devitalize, devitalise

/ 9di:5vaItElaIz; di`vaItl9aIz/ v [Tn] take strength and vigour away from (sb/sth) 使(某人[某事物])失去活力; 消耗(某人[某事物])的力量: a nation devitalized by a sustained war effort 因持续的战事而大伤元气的国家.

devitalization, devitalisation

/ 9di:9vaItE-laI5zeIFn; ?@ -lI5z-; di9vaItlI`zeFEn/ n [U].


754/ dI5vRId; dI`vRId/ adj [pred 作表语] ~ of sth

without sth; completely lacking in sth 没有或毫 无 某 事 物 : a criminal utterly devoid of conscience 天良丧尽的罪犯.


/ 9di:vE5lu:Fn; ?@ 9dev-; 9dZvE`luFEn/ n [U] transfer of power or authority, esp from central government to regional authorities (尤指中央政府向地方政府)移交权力, 下放权力, 分权.


/ dI5vClv; dI`vBlv/ v (fml 文) 1 [Ipr] ~ on/upon sb (of work, duties) be transferred or passed to sb ( 指 工 作 、 职 务 ) 移 交 给 某 人 : When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice-President. 总统生病时, 其职务交由副总统代理. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to/upon sb) transfer (work, duties, etc) to sb 将(工作、 职务等)转交给某人: More power is to be devolved to regional government. 要将更多的权力交给地方政府.


/ dI5vEUt; dI`vot/ v [Tn.pr] ~ oneself/sth to sb/sth give (one's time, energy, etc) to sb/sth; dedicate 为某人[某事物]付出(时间、精力等); 向某人[某事物]奉献(时间、 精力等); 献身於某事物: devote oneself to a noble cause 献身於一项崇高的事业 *| devote all one's efforts to one's task 全力以赴地工作.


adj ~ (to sb/sth) very loving or loyal 热爱的; 非常忠实的; 全心全意的: a devoted son, friend, supporter, etc 孝子、 忠实的朋友、 不遗余力的支持者 *| She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子.




/ 9devE5ti:; 9dZvE`ti/ n (a) person who is devoted to sth; enthusiast 致力於、 献身於某事物的人; 热心者; 某事物的迷恋者: a devotee of sport, music, crime fiction, etc 热衷於体育运动、 音乐、 侦探小说等的人. (b) zealous supporter (of a sect, etc) (某一宗派等的)热情拥护者.


/ dI5vEUFn; dI`voFEn/ n 1 [U] ~ (to sb/sth) (a) deep strong love 深爱; 挚爱: a mother's devotion to her children 母亲对子女深深的疼爱. (b) giving of oneself (to a person, cause, etc); loyalty 献身; 忠心: devotion to duty 忠於职守 *| a teacher's devotion to her task 教师全心全意投入其工作的

态度 *| our devotion to our leader 我们对领袖的忠诚. 2 (a) [U] religious zeal; devoutness 宗教热情; 虔诚: a life of great devotion 信仰诚笃的一生. (b) [C] prayer or religious practice 祈祷; 灵修; 宗教仪式: a traditional devotion like the Way of the Cross 有如天主教`拜苦路'的传统宗教仪式 *| a priest at his devotions, ie praying 正在祈祷的教士.










